and Time Range of Calculations: Planets can be calculated from
the years 999 BC to 2300 AD, except the asteroids and 8 transneptunian
planets which in some cases cannot be calculated before 1000
AD. Accuracy of all planets is less than 1 second of arc.
ATLAS: Pegasus
comes with a big atlas but not all places in the world are
included. Pegasus atlas is always very accurate, constantly
updated to the minute of any time changes around the world.
CHARTS: Natal charts
can be calculated in either Tropical or Sidereal Zodiac.
Systems: Campanus, Equal, Koch, Meridian, Morinus,
Placidus, Porphyry, Regiomontanus, Topocentric, 0-Aries,
Sun-on-Asc, Planet-on-Asc, Midpoint-on-Asc, and Whole Sign
Planet-on-Asc: You
can enter any degree or Minutes from point selected: To place
a planet on the Asc, the value should be zero, If for example
you want a 30 degrees point after Venus on the Asc, then you
can enter 30 degrees. You can enter a value from 0 degree to
359 degree and 59 minutes.
AYANAMSHA: Fagan/Bradley,
Lahiri, De Luce, Raman, Ushashashi, Krishnamurti, Djwhal Khool,
Yukteshwar, JN Bhasin, Babylonian Kugler 1, Babylonian Kugler
2, Babylonian Kugler 3, Babylunian Huber, Babylunian Mercier,
Aldebaran at 15 Taurus, Hipparchos, Sassanian, Galactic Center
on 0 Saguttarius, J2000, J1900, B1950, and User-Defined.
of Fortune Formula; Ancient or Modern
Text Listing: Transit-to-Natal with Regular Planets,
Regular Planets (no birth time), Planets + Asteroids, Planets
+ Asteroids (no birth time), Jupiter through Pluto, and Jupiter
through Pluto (no birth time). Note: asteroids used are the
4 major asteroids only.
text listing can be calculated using Exact Date Only,
Enter Exact Date with Midpoints and Minor Aspects, Enter-Exact-Leave,
and Enter Exact Leave with Midpoints and Minor Aspects
Text Listing: Regular Planets, Planets+Asteroids,
Jupiter through Pluto, Mars through Pluto, Regular Planets
+ Asteroids, and Asteroids only. Note, asteroids used are the
4 major asteroids only. Transit-to-Transit text listing can
be calculated with Exact date only, Exact date with midpoints,
and exact date with Minor Aspects and Midpoints.
Chart: Create a composite chart using any two charts.
of Composites: Derived at Latitude of Place, Ascendant
Midpoint, MC Midpoint, and Time-Space. RELOCATED
CHART: Easily relocate a natal chart to any place.
WHEELS: Wheel: Regular Wheel, BiWheel (Create any
two BiWheel Chart).
Styles: There are several chart wheel styles to
choose from. House Cusps Lines can be either Equally spaced
or Unequally spaced.
following planets can be added to the chart wheel: Ceres, Palas,
Vesta, Juno, Chiron, the
8 Transneptunian planets, North and South Nodes, Vertex, Equatorial
Asc, Part of Fortune, CoAscendant, Polar Ascendant, and Lilith.
An option to connect an aspect line to these planets is also
points to place in Wheel: If “Planet-n-Asc” or “Whole
Sign” house system is used, Ascendant and/or MC points
can also be added on the chart wheel.
Nodes: Mean
or True, North Node, South Node
Lilith: Mean or True
of Fortune Formula: Either Modern or AncienT
Set used in chart wheels: Large orbs with minor
aspects, Large orbs with major aspects, Small orbs with minor
aspects, Small orb with major aspects, One degree orb with
minor aspects, and One degree orb with major aspects. Note
that these aspects sets are not editable.
of Progressed Charts: Day-for-a-Year,
Degree-for-a-Year, Solar Arc Direction, Day-for-a-month,
Month-for-a-Year, Converse Day-for-a-Year, Converse Degree-for-a-Year,
Converse Solar Arc Direction, Converse Day-for-a-month, Converse
Month-for-a-Year. Use birth place for any progressed chart
or relocate it to any place.
MC methods: Time, Mean Sun, SolarArc, and Naibod
in RA
Time Methods:: Birth GMT, 0 Hour GMT, or User enters
Long Range Accuracy: can be set to; Extremely High
(1/2 Day), High (3/4 day), Medium (1 day), or Low ( 2 days).
The Long-Range
Accuracy setting affects progressed text listings and interpretive reports
Listings:: Progressed-to-Natal Text Listing, and
Progressed-to-Progressed Text Listing with the following
data; Enter-Exact-Leave, Enter-Exact-Leave with midpoints,
Enter-Exact-Leave with Minor Aspects, Enter-Exact-Leave with
Midpoints and Minor Aspects. RETURNS:
Return: Solar Return Chart can be precessed if Tropical
zodiac is used. Either use birth place or relocate to any
place to create the Solar Return Chart. Create Multiple Solar
Returns from a starting date.
Return: Lunar Return Chart can be precessed if Tropical
zodiac is used. Either use birth place or relocate to any
place. Create Multiple Lunar Returns from a starting date.
Return: Create any planet return chart including
Ceres, Palas, Juno, Vesta, and Chiron. Natal planets includes
the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus,
Neptune, Pluto Mean Node, True Node, Ceres, Palas, Juno,
Vesta, Chiron, Cupido, Hades, Zeus, Kronos, Apollon, Admetos,
Vulcanus, and Poseidon. Planet Return can also be precessed
if Tropical zodiac is used. Either use birth place or relocate
to any place. Create Multiple Solar Returns from a starting
any degree/minutes/seconds to the Angle for transiting planet
past natal planets LISTING: In
addition to Transit-to-Transit, Transit-to-Natal, Progressed-to-Progressed,
and Progressed-to-Natal Listings, the following natal listings
can also be produced from the Pegasus program.