Software Interactive DemoSOFTWARE TUTORIAL
Cosmic Patterns NewsletterNEWSLETTER
Astrology ArticlesARTICLES
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Go to the Avalon School of AstrologyAVALON
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Go to our Reseller PageFRANCHISE
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OUR THREE MAIN PRODUCTS ARE KEPLER, SIRIUS, & PEGASUS Superb Astrology Programs. We also have Report Options written by professional astrologers which can be added on to the above programs.

Go to Kepler Information KEPLER was released in November 2, 1982 and celebrated its 28th birthday last November 2, 2010. Kepler evolved into a big program over the years of development and from customers requests and suggestions.

Go to Pegasus Information PEGASUS was released in July 15, 2004. This program was created to support our customers who are not able to purchase the Kepler program but want to purchase our fantastic interpretive report software.

Go to Sirius Information SIRIUS was released in May 1, 2008. SIRIUS comes with everything that is in Kepler PLUS MORE!!! Like Kepler, Sirius was created to include everything that our customers have requested over the years. It took us 4 years to create this program. Astrology has evolved over thousands of years in many cultures and there are seemingly endless number of techniques, theories, applications, and features. Sirius comes with most of these techniques, theories, applications, and features including modern, Vedic, Medieval, Hellenistic, Huber, harmonics, symmetrical astrology, cosmobiology, financial astrology, research, etc. The extraordinary features in Sirius are also easy-to-use.

Go to the list of Report OptionsREPORT OPTIONS are interpretive reports software that are add ons to Kepler, Sirius, or Pegasus program. Our report options are authored by professional astrologers with the guidance from our professional editor and quality control team. We insure that all of our report options are actually able to help the readers and not just a sun sign analysis. These report options are produced based on the individual's birth data, thus produced an accurate professional individualized and personalized report.

Software Interactive DemoSOFTWARE TUTORIAL: This demonstration very briefly introduces you to various features of Kepler 6.0, and is not intended to be a complete or comprehensive description of all of the features. If you already own Kepler or planning to purchase the program, you can obtain additional information in the extensive Help feature of Kepler, and of course you can also e-mail us or call us with any questions that you may have.

Cosmic Patterns NewsletterNEWSLETTER: We send out our Newsletter about once a year. The newsletter will let you know what improvements and new options are available and what our plans for the future are. Also, we send out an e-mail newsletter about 3 times per year. Because people often change their e-mail address, as well as change their physical address, some customers do not receive these newsletters after moving and/or changing their e-mail address. If you move or change your e-mail address and you want to keep receiving the newsletters, let us know when your physical address or e-mail address changes along with your old address to confirm.

Astrology ArticlesASTROLOGY ARTICLES: We have created this page to promote astrological awareness and education. The articles listed below are original and are copyrighted © by the authors. Each of the articles is unique, and reflects the author's individual perspective on various subjects in astrology. each author's writing style is also unique and communicates and relates to the reader in a particular way. We hope you enjoy your visit and hope that this service is of benefit to you.

Go to our community service pageCOMMUNITY SERVICE: As a service to the community and in appreciation for your support, we have added this page,"Community Service". We hope that you enjoy this community service and find it helpful. If you would like to participate in, or contribute to this project in some way, let us know. Together we can build a network of services to those who can benefit from our assistance. This is a free service, which exists through the generous donation of time, energy, and talent of those who are contributors to this project.

Go to the Avalon School of AstrologyTHE AVALON SCHOOL OF ASTROLOGY: Avalon provides comprehensive training that prepares students for a career in the field of astrology. With the education you receive at Avalon, you have the training you need not only to open an astrological counseling business, but also to work in wide variety of other positions.

Go to our Reseller PageDISTRIBUTORS: We have several registered distributors of our products in the US and other countries. Our distributor page has a complete list of our current and active registered distributors. Software purchased from unauthorized distributors is illegal. Federal and international laws regarding illegal use of software have severe penalties for violators of the law. If you are not sure if the distributor that you are dealing with is a registered reseller of Cosmic Patterns Software, Inc., contact us immediately at 1-352-373-1504 to get the confirmation! Our office hours are from 9am to 5pm Eastern time, Monday to Friday. You can also send us an e-mail if you are not able to call.

Go to our Reseller PageFRANCHISE: A Cosmic Patterns Service to our customers. If you purchased the Kepler program or the Sirius program and at least one interpretive report option that are available online, then you have a web site on the Internet that provides a completely automated online chart service! On your online chart service are the report options that you purchased. Note that we have more than 40 report options to choose from. Most of these report options are available for this service but not all of them. Call us for details.

LINKS: This page is dedicated to our link partners.

CREDIT CARD AUTHORIZATION FORM: Due to a large number of fraudulent transactions that we have experienced from countries in South America, we require that anyone who placed an order from these countries must fill out this credit card authorization form before we are able to process your order. This process helps us sell our products to these countries then we would not have done otherwise. This form can be filled out before printing. Thank you for your cooperation.

    All Contents Copyright © 1982-2008, Cosmic Patterns Software, Inc All Rights Reserved. ~ Updated Monday, July 28, 2014 10:33 AM