Windows 10 / 11 compatible!
Chart Wheels / Modern
Sirius 4.1     $650       $550   Upgrade from Sirius 3.0 $125
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$550 + S&H
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Sirius CD $550 + S&H
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Sirius Download $550
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Shown below are examples of some of the chart wheels that we can consider to be modern wheel styles. The number of variations is enormous and these chart wheels are just some examples of what is possible. You can click on a wheel image to see a larger version of it.

You can click on the images below to see a larger version of the image.
Equally Spaced House Cusps
Unequally Spaced House Cusps
Unequal & Zodiac Signs
Unequal & Zodiac Signs II
Birth Data in Wheel
90º Dial
90º Dial Showing Interactive Arrow
Huber Wheel
Huber House Wheel
Huber Mondknoten Wheel
Asteroids Wheel
Fixed Stars Wheel
Arabic Parts Wheel
Midpoints Wheel
Minor Aspects Patterns
Huber Patterns
Art Wheel
Art Wheel
Art Wheel