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The AstroLocality features in Sirius are:

  • AstroMaps. There are so many kinds of AstroMaps in Sirius that we will only briefly summarize them. We plan to provide more detailed descriptions of the AstroMaps features at a future time.
  • Treasure Map Explanation Reports
  • AstroLocality Interpretive Reports
  • Paran Listings
  • Relocated Charts
  • We describe each of these features below.

    You can click on the images below to watch the video.

    The traditional AstroMaps that most astrologers are familiar with are referred to in Sirius as "Just Lines" or "No Orbs, Just Lines" AstroMaps because the AstroMap has planet lines drawn on the map without an indication of how far the influence of that planetary line extends. There "Blue-Shaded Orb" maps also show the orbs and perhaps most exciting of all are the Treasure Maps which show how intense an astrological influence is at any location. There are several other kinds of AstroMaps, such as the Local Space and Geodetic AstroMaps. You can include asteroids, arabic parts, and fixed stars in AstroMaps.

    Although there are an enormous number of AstroMap features in Sirius, you can easily select the features that you want. The different AstroMap features help ensure that the style of AstroMaps that you want are available.

    The "Introduction to AstroMaps" video describes some of the basic AstroMap features in Sirius. One issue that often arises in AstroMaps is whether they should be calculated in mundo or in zodiac longitude. If you are interested in learning more about in mundo versus in zodiac AstroMaps or in how you select these different kinds of AstroMaps in Sirius, you may wish to watch the "In Mundo AstroMaps" video.

    In these videos many of the other AstroMap features, such as adding fixed stars, asteroids, and arabic parts are described as well as other kinds of AstroMaps like the geodetic AstroMap. An entire video is dedicated to describing how minor aspects can be included in an AstroMap and there is another tutorial video on AstroLocality for couples. These videos teach astrology and teach how the Sirius program is used simultaneously. There is also a video on the Local Space AstroMaps and in this video we show how you can place a Local Space AstroMap. Even though these 5 videos provide over 2 hours of instructional information, there are still other AstroMap features that are mentioned only briefly in these videos.

    You can also produce eclipse maps that show the path of a solar eclipse on the Earth. A nice feature is that you can put more than one eclipse path on a map.

    Introduction21 Minutes Introduction to Relocational Astrology and AstroCartography
    In Mundo36 Minutes AstroCartography and In Mundo Planet Positions
    Minor Aspect33 Minutes Trines, Sextiles, and Noviles in AstoLocality
    AstroLocality for Couples28 Minutes Relocation Astrology for Married Couples and Partners
    Local Space23 Minutes How to Place a Local Space Chart on a Google Map



    You can click on the images below to see a larger version of the image. New in Version 4.0
    Vertex lines in “Just Lines” reports and Treasure Maps

    Most likely you are familiar with AstroMaps. The Ascendant and MC lines on an AstroMap show where a planet forms an aspect or a midpoint structure to the relocated Ascendant or MC. This new feature of AstroMaps allows you to also see Vertex lines on “Just Lines” Maps (standard AstroMaps) and Treasure Maps simply by checking a box to include them. The lines are color-coded: MC lines are red, Ascendant lines are yellow, and Vertex lines are blue.

    To understand why the ability to add Vertex lines is very important, consider this: there are places in the world, such Rovaniemi, Finland, where it is not possible to know precisely where the Ascendant is because the Ascendant sometimes moves about 1 degree per second of time! In order to calculate the Ascendant accurately to a minute of arc you would need to know the birth time with about 1/60 of a second. When the Ascendant is moving about 1 degree per second of time, that is equivalent to about 60 degrees in 1 minute of time.

    Conjunctions & Opposition Lines

    At the right is a simple AstroMap that shows conjunctions and opposition lines only to the Ascendant and MC is shown below for our hypothetical client born on January 2, 1980 at 10:32 AM in Madrid, Spain:

    Where all of the lines meet in the northern part of Europe is just north of Rovaniemi where our hypothetical client moved. If this point was truly exceptional, we could visit it to experience some kind of state of singularity or oneness with all because all lines converge at this point. Everyone has this point somewhere along the arctic circle and another one opposite to it on the Antarctic circle. However, I do not recommend making this journey because the power of the Ascendant fades away and most likely you will not experience anything unusual at these locations.

    Vertex Lines

    At the right is the same AstroMap with Vertex lines included. The Vertex lines are the blue lines:



    David Cochrane

    David Cochrane is giving a lecture about this feature and calculation at the Vibrational Astrology Conference 2023. Click here for more details about this conference: Vibrational Astrology Conference 2023 / Schedule





    You can click on the images below to see a larger version of the image. New in Version 4.0
    Combine Local Space, Paran, Planet Lines and
    Midpoint Lines in One AstroMap


    AstroMap for Madrid, Spain

    In Sirius 4 it is possible to place aspect lines, midpoint lines, paran lines and Local Space lines in one AstroMap. Here is an example of this AstroMap for a person born in Madrid, Spain and the AstroMap is done for Spain:



    In Mundo or in Zodiac longitude

    This AstroMap can be produced in In Mundo or in Zodiac longitude. The AstroMap above is in Zodiac Longitude. The one below is In Mundo.

    Asteroids can also be included in these AstroMaps.

    There are several kinds of AstroMaps in the Sirius software. One of them is the “Flexible AstroMap”. In Sirius 4.0 the Flexible AstroMap has a check box to select paran lines and a button to select whether you want Local Space lines or a variation of Local Space Lines known as Horizon Lines.


    Treasure Map Explanation Reports

    Treasure Maps are a breakthough in AstroMaps because you can see very clearly what areas are strong in different areas of life, such as Love and Romance, Friendship and Family, Vocation and Career, etc. The technical detail as well as the simplicity of the information elevates AstroMaps to a new level.

    Although Treasure Maps are almost self-explanatory (yellow areas are strong and red areas are very strong), you can also produce a report that gives a specific interpretation for the lines in a Treasure Map. In a Vocation and Career AstroMap, for example, yellow areas are good for vocation and career and the red areas are especially good for vocation and career. The Treasure Map Explanation Reports provide an interpretation of the yellow and red areas in the AstroMap so that you know more specifically in what way the area is good for Vocation and Career. For example, one place may increase the ability to promote, network, and reach out to people, and another may give focus and determination and the ability to persist in a project until it becomes successful.

    If you look at the sample Vocation and Career Treasure Map to the right, you will see at the end of each line some astrological characters that are either in black print with a yellow background or are in red print. Also to the right is a link to a report that explains the specific effect of each of the lines in the Treasure Map. Even if you are not an astrologer, you can scroll down through the list of interpretations and find the astrological symbols that match the astrological symbols at the end of a line and read the interpretation. These reports are a help for learning astrology, and they can be printed or emailed to clients.