Kepler is a complete and comprehensive Vedic program. Kepler is not a western program with some Vedic features. The Vedic features are so comprehensive that some Vedic astrologers use Kepler for their work. Just a quick summary of some of the Vedic features is given below: Varga wheels in an easy-to-use presentation Vedic: Dasas, Gochara, Muhurta, etc. Many Vedic forecasting methods are available in Kepler. In addition to the most common dasa system, Vimsottari dasas, there are 9 other dasa systems: Ashtottari, Drigdasa, Kalachakra, Lagan Kendradi, Narayana, Narayana Shoola, Shoola, Sudasa, and Yogini. You can select the number of levels. Ashtakavarga tables and an ashtakavarga graph are available as well as a Gochara graph. The panchanga forecast tables are very nicely organized and are thorough. A huge number of muhurta tables can be produced and the muhurta tables include graphic images at the top of the report so you can send to clients, post on your website, or publish beautiful and unique muhurta tables. Of course, the technical accuracy is just as professional and carefully developed as the beauty of the reports. If you click on the images to the right, you will see the attention to detail that is given to each report. The inclusion of lots of technical detail in a nicely organized and clearly readable manner, the use of background colors, and the graphic image at the top of the muhurta tables are examples of how Kepler not only provides the information that you would like to have, but provides it in a very professional and beautiful manner. As usual, you can right-click on a report to quickly pull up the settings. For example, while viewing the dasas listing, you can right-click, change the kind of dasa, the number of levels, and any settings that are specific to that kind of dasa, click the OK button and see the new listing. We have also carefully compared and analyzed the results produced by Kepler with authoritative sources. The extreme effort that we put into ensuring that Kepler is technically accurate, flexible, easy-to-use are reasons why astrologers who work with Kepler are invariably impressed and delighted. Vedic Tables Muhurta, panchanga, marriage matching, sarvatobhadra, and dosha analysis Krishna Paddhanti (KP) system |