INTRODUCTION: If Astrology is Valid, Then Why Can't We Prove it? This question is, in my opinion, the most fundamental and important
question in astrology today. A myriad reasons have been given,
and I will not review them here. Some studies have come very
close to validating astrology, and the Gauquelin studies are
the most often quoted studies in this regards, but even the
Gauquelin studies are not completely and absolutely definitive. ANECDOTAL EVIDENCE AND THEORIES: The Ocean of Anecdotal Evidence and the Ocean of Theories There seems to be almost as many astrological ideas and theories as there are astrologers, and no two astrologers interpret astrological charts in exactly the same way. The number of theories and concepts grows constantly as new astronomical discoveries are made and more ancient materials are translated. It is possible that valid astrological concepts are obscured by the enormous number of ideas to choose from. Many astrologers agree with this, and many astrologers are convinced that their system of astrological interpretation is the most accurate, and that many others are inaccurate. There are classical astrologers who are certain that minor aspects and other modern inventions are the ruin of astology, etc. There is no end to diversity in astrology. THE VIEW OF COSMIC TAPESTRY ASTROLOGY: Cosmic Tapestry Astrology is not the most popular approach to astrological interpretation. Cosmic Tapestry is an approach to astrological interpretation that involves the analysis of complex patterns. These complex patterns are regarded as the fundamental and most important factors in the chart. Astrological influences are seen as energy processes that impact the psyche of people and thereby generate the motivations, drives, interests, and talents of the person. Although not popular at this time, it is my belief that cosmic tapestry astrology will grow and develop to become the dominant system of astrology. Of course every astrologer believes that his/her astrological system is best! These beliefs are based on the anecdotal evidence of the astrologer, and there is no proof at this time to distinguish which astrologer is correct, or, for that matter, whether the skeptics who regard all astrology as fallacious are correct. SYMMETRIES IN CHART COMPARISON: The 3 Powerful Symmetries in Chart Comparisons As explained in the book Astrology for the 21st Century, a conjunction or opposition in the composite chart forms a very powerful symmetrical energetic system. Amazingly, when a conjunction or opposition occurs in the composite chart, there are two sets of identical angles.
When angles are the same, they resonate with each other and create a powerful energetic system. When angles are the same, a symmetrical pattern is formed. Symmetry is critically important in quantum theory and in SuperString Theory. For more information on this theory, I would suggest reading Mario Livio's book, "Symmetry". I believe that astrology will grow into a discipline with strong connections to cutting edge theories in physics and mathematics. OTHER WAYS THAT POWERFUL RESONANCES CAN OCCUR:
INTERPRETING THE ABOVE SYMMETRIES IN CHART COMPARISON: How Do Interpret All This? The Composite Chart Alignment is the most powerful of the 3 symmetries. When a Composite Chart Alignment occurs, the angle of his Sun to her Moon is the same as the angle from her Sun to his Moon. This is a powerful synastry effect, i.e. these are angles between the charts and describe bonding and energy flow between the people. Having the Sun-Moon angle the same in both charts creates powerful similarity between the people. Synastry angles create bonding and similar angles in the chart enhance friendship because the two people are similar to each other. The fact that the angles are in opposite phase makes the similarity slightly less powerful, but only slightly less. In astrology we rarely give greatest emphasis to the angle and only secondary emphasis to whether the angle is waxing or waning.
The Mixed Midpiont Alignment is the basis of the astrological birth control system of Eugene Jonas. His theory is that when the transiting Sun-Moon angle is the same as the natal Sun-Moon angle, a woman is more fertile. Supposedly Jonas had lots of data to support his theory, but the data was lost, and the studies have not been replicated. When the transiting Sun-Moon angle is the same as the natal Sun-Moon angle (measured from 0 to 360 degrees, so in the same phase as well as same angle), a mixed midpoint alignment occurs. DISTINGUISING SYMMETRIC PATTERNS IN A CHART COMPARISON: How Do I Know if These Symmetric Patterns Occur in a Chart Comparison? In September, 2006 we added a feature to Kepler 7 to show all 3 symmetric patterns in a synastry listing. Simply select this listing to see which 3 symmetric patterns are occurring between two charts. The Proof is in the Pudding Many astrologers use composite charts and have noticed that conjunctions and oppositions in the composite chart are powerful. Few people have noticed Midpt-to-Midpt alignments and Mixed Midpoint alignments. I have worked with these ideas for decades and I am convinced that they are very powerful. However, as noted above, this is merely anecdotal evidence, and anecdotal evidence is not very convincing. I believe that current astrological theory, despite its great breadth and the many great thinkers in the field of astrology, misses very key astrological influences while often emphasizing others of relatively minor significance. Eventually, those influences that are of major importance will be identified and astrology will be much more reliable and consistent in producing useful results than is possible now. This article as another astrologer's anecdotal evidence and ideas built from the works of other astrologers and studies in other related disciplines. I have found that very often an idea that might be intuitively appealing may not actually be useful in actual practice. The proof is in the pudding. Without evidence from controlled studies, our best evidence currently is typically anecdotal evidence, and I encourage astrologers and students of astrology to apply the ideas in this paper. Regardless of what you may intuitively expect, I believe that you will find these ideas work extremely well when applied to actual charts. Eventually I believe that the ideas in this article will be validated in controlled studies; the anecdotal evidence in my opinion is that strong. CONCLUSION: This article explains some of the most powerful and fundamental astrological influences that can occur between charts using cosmic tapestry astrology. There are many other more subtle and important influences, and some of these are described in my book, Astrology for the 21st Century and other articles on this website. AUTHOR: David Cochrane |
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