INTRODUCTION: Astrology is certainly a divine language, as
the symbols it uses are universal and all-pervading, describing
every corner of the Universe and events within It. Astrology
gives answers to questions we raise and, most importantly, it
describes the laws by which all things come into existence.
Once you know this language, which is the law, you gradually come to know
that you are able to see through the apparent phenomenal forms and reach
the underlying intelligence at the basis of everything. Astrology enables
you to be in contact with that knowledge and the events which are seemingly
invisible. You can literally watch a new, huge Universe unfold in front of
you, something of which most people are simply not aware.
In the horoscope of an astrologer, astrological symbolism is represented
by Uranus (the main indicator of symbols or language through which astrology
sees). In the case of my horoscope, Uranus is in the third house (the way
of thinking) and in addition it is sextile Neptune in the fifth house. As
the fifth house represents love, entertainment and art in general, Neptune
positioned here speaks about love (the fifth house) of film (Neptune), and
its sextile with Uranus (astrology) in the third house (the way of thinking).
This combination reflects the ability to enjoy the translation of events
unfolding in film into astrological symbols. The most fascinating thing is
that when I use one aspect to describe an event in the film, then all the
other events connected with those planets start to fit perfectly in the whole
story, as if it was a real life situation and not the creation of the director,
completely conceived by a human mind. THE WRITING TABLE: A FILM The film takes place in the present time. At the beginning
of the movie, the leading actor comes across an antiquity
shop while walking with his girlfriend. In the shop, he discovers
an old writing table from the 19th century. The writing table
strongly attracts his attention and he decides to buy it.
For some reason, the table is so fascinating to him, he even
wakes up in the middle of the night and starts polishing it.
While arranging the table, he discovers a secret compartment
and several love letters in it, written long ago and not read
by anyone until now. He reads them and understands that they
were written by a girl to whom the writing table belonged
150 years ago. She was writing them to an imagined lover,
giving him her heart, and grieving over a marriage in the
near future to a man she does not love, but whom her father
thinks to be appropriate for her... At this point I began to create a picture of planetary aspects
necessary in the life of a man who came in touch with the writing
table containing secret love letters. Of course, it is logical
to suppose Venus (love) to be in conjunction with Mercury (letters),
especially so in the twelfth house (secrets), but in a sign
which could indicate a table. The sign could be Virgo (office
table), Libra (flat table or lady's table) but also Gemini,
which represent the tables of all kinds. In this particular
case, Gemini would strongly emphasize letters and communication.
I still can't decide between conjunction of Venus and Mercury
in Virgo or Gemini... The next scene solves the dilemma: Scott (the name of the
young man in the movie) visits his mother the next day and
tells her what he had found in the table. He does not tell
it to his girlfriend, but only to his mother. Interesting!
His mother is youthful and cheerful. She is learning foreign
languages. From their conversation we find out her origin
is Italian... She tells him, by the way, that instead of having
a big wedding, he could spend the money for a trip around
the world with his fiancée Deborah. "But I do not want to travel around the world",
he says. This sentence removes the last doubt: he is certainly a Cancer
Ascendant, as this statement shows typical Cancerian need for
home and lack of desire to travel (Cancer - home, house, family...).
His confession to his mother (Cancer) only strengthens this
concept. This confirms my hypothesis that his twelfth house
is Gemini, with Venus (love) and Mercury (letters) in conjunction. "Of course", I conclude, "Mercury and Venus
in the 12th house are secret, hidden letters, which are in the
table (Gemini), and furthermore in the compartment of the table
(Gemini additionally represents compartments). The letters
had been left there long ago, from an age that has passed (Gemini
should be intercepted: that is, the cusp of the twelfth house
should begin in Taurus, so that no house begins in Gemini). That means the Ascendant should be in the beginning of Cancer
so that Gemini could be intercepted at the latitude where he
was born (Boston, Massachusetts because
the action of the movie is unfolding there). "In that
case", I calculate quickly in my mind, "the fourth
house should begin somewhere in Virgo, which would also represent
his mother, and the ruler of that house would be Mercury, which
we already know is placed in the twelfth in conjunction with
the Venus. Yes, of course. His mother is of an Italian origin (the
ruler of the fourth house, representing the mother, is Mercury,
positioned in Gemini (and the larger part of Italy is
ruled by Gemini). Mercury (that is, the ruler of mother in this
case) is conjunct Venus (he tells her about the love letters),
and she herself likes traveling (Mercury in Gemini with Venus).
This is why she suggests an idea to him about how to organize
his wedding traveling (Mercury conjunct Venus).""No
doubt - that is it!" I infer with certainty now, with the
feeling every painter has when he makes his first steady strokes
don't you try to answer her letters", said
the mother in a cheerful voice. "I think it would be
great, if it worked out!" Only a mother represented
by such a merry combination of planets (Mercury conjunct
Venus in Gemini) could suggest such an odd thing to do (the
are in the twelfth house of slightly odd ideas).
In the next scene, she gets him some old stamps and old
ink, so that he can use this particular ink to write the letter
and send it with the stamps that were used in those times.
Stamps are ruled by Mercury, but old stamps should be connected
with a Saturn somehow. I reject the possibility of Saturn
being in conjunction with Mercury and Venus, because this
would indicate that Scott is depressed, and the mother would
not be that cheerful either. In addition, the ink she gets
for him indicates that Mercury must be connected with Neptune,
so this gives me two new elements which should be introduced
into the whole picture.
I think to myself, if he really plans to answer her, then Neptune must be
in the third house (unusual ideas), sextiling the conjunction in the twelfth
house, and Saturn can be only in the fifth, trining Mercury and Venus, and
also sextiling Neptune in the third (Saturn in the third house would not
inspire him to do this "weird thing", but Neptune would). Therefore,
old ink (Neptune sextile Saturn) and old stamps (Mercury
trine Saturn) have introduced two new players on the scene who must perfectly
fit with all other events. Saturn in the fifth trining Mercury and Venus
tells us about the antique shop (Saturn) in which he found the table (Mercury)
and old love letters (Mercury and Venus trining Saturn that itself is in
the fifth house of love).
In order to find out the address to which he should send
the letters, he calls the antique shop owner (Saturn) and
asks him for the address from where the table had been obtained (Mercury
trine Saturn), and of course he gets it (trine). In
addition, his mother suggests he should send the letters from
the only post office in town that was built before the civil
war and which is placed at the outskirts of the city. She
tells him to send the letters by night (Mercury in the
12th). "I don't know why, but I think it is better
that way!" she explains. The old post office again corresponds to the symbolism of Mercury
and Saturn. I don't yet realize the significance of the "just
before the civil war" part of the equation, so I leave
that for later. So far, I have the following outline in my mind,
confirmed through a number of details: 
REAL PERSON FROM 1923. Hmm... If the conjunction of Mercury and Venus is in Gemini,
then Neptune should be in Leo, and
Saturn should be in the middle of Libra in the fifth house
("old" love, fiancée). "Has there been
any such a combination in the past?" went through
my mind as I was watching the film. I stopped the VCR and
opened the ephemeris, resolved to find out if there was
some correspondence. I knew that Neptune was
in Leo somewhere around the Twenties of last century. I
was not completely sure about Saturn, but after some searching
I found that in 1923, Saturn was in Libra, Neptune in Leo,
and in the month of June, Mercury and Venus were conjunct
in Gemini. Incredible! It has surpassed anything I could
expect! The combination I thought of to describe the action
in the movie turned out to be real, and not just the fiction
of a director. Excited, I looked at the position of other
planets. It struck me immediately that the Sun was at 29° of
Gemini on June
22, 1923."Of course, the Sun is at 29° and
also in the twelfth house,” I thought. It really indicates
openness towards "paranormal" events. This degree
gives pronounced intuition, spirituality, even clairvoyance.
On the material level it usually indictes loss through
the symbolism of the planet positioned there. In this case,
it is the Sun, which could indicate a loss of a father. Because
the father is never mentioned throughout the film, it
is not difficult to guess that the lead character indeed
does not have a father (Sun in the 12th, at the 29°).
I am calculating a horoscope of a person supposedly born
in Boston, the
place where the action in the movie takes place, so
that Ascendant would fall at early Cancer degrees and Gemini
would be intercepted in the twelfth house. After some calculation,
I got the time of 4 hours and 27 minutes, which produces
an Ascendant of 3° Cancer (where there is a fixed star
Tejat, which itself has the nature of Venus and Mercury).
This degree really gives a tendency for living in the past.
The ruler of the Ascendant, the Moon, is at 6° Libra,
a degree which regularly brings unusual events in life.
It is sometimes called a degree of life and death. 
- main male role Apart from being at 29°, the Sun is also on the fixed
star Menkalinan, a dangerous star belonging to constellation
of Auriga, the Coachman. "The Sun at this degree of
Gemini could represent a post office", I deduce, above
all because the post office is an institution (Sun),
it is at the outskirts of the city (29°), and it
was built just before the civil war (29° of Gemini,
just one degree from the sign of Cancer where we find a
Pluto/Mars conjunction, describing a civil war very strongly). In the next scene our hero writes a letter with the
pen and ink, goes by night to the post office that was
built before the civil war, and drops the letter in the
mail box. And while I was still thinking about the
position of the Sun on the fixed star Menkalinan from
the constellation of Coachman, a scene appears on
the screen showing a postman driving a coach (!) and
delivering a letter to our heroine who lived some 150
years ago. Is it really possible for symbolism to get
through to such deep levels? The post office and the
postman, who does not go by foot, but by a coach,
are represented by the star belonging to the constellation
of the Coachman! Because I know that the star is dangerous
and indicates calamity, I suspected that an accident
would happen with the Sun on the 29°. Besides, the Sun
is a ruler of Scott’s third house, and therefore in
the twelfth it has to speak of "unusual communication" and
all possible paranormal experiences. His third house
can also represent a post office, so the Sun (as the
ruler of 3rd) at 29° of Gemini tells about a "timeless" post-office,
but on the objective level it brings a real danger (29° is
a sign of loss on the objective plane). We'll see as the film unfolds... Elisabeth Witcomb is the name of a girl who lived in
1863. She wrote letters and some poetry. Although romantic,
she is a very determined girl and of quite liberal outlook
for the age in which she lives. The postman delivers
her a letter, she opens it and, of course she almost
faints away! She got an answer to letters she wrote to
her completely abstract and secret lover. She finds out
from the letter that he does not live in her times, but
almost 150 years later. After the first shock, she decides
to answer and puts the letter in the secret compartment
of her table (which is his in the modern age). In the
next scene he is equally surprised by finding her new
letter in the same secret compartment of the table. Thus
begins their communication that breaks the time barrier
through the table and a post office built before the
civil war. The action unfolds simultaneously
in the movie. In the present day, our hero Scott
is gradually falling in love
with the woman who lived long ago. I the past, Elisabeth
Witcomb is completely in love with her secret non-existent
lover, and she also writes poems. She is courted by her
suitor, Mr. Rigl, who is a much older, conservative gentleman
and art reviewer by profession (just try to imagine how
a conservative critic would look in those times!). During their correspondence, Elisabeth and Scott even
exchange photographs - Scott sends his own in color,
and she sends him one of the erliest photographic plates. Of
course, Neptune sextile Mercury
must indicate a photograph (Neptune)
sent via letter (Mercury), additional proof of validity
of this aspect. On another note, Scott likes cycling. In one scene
while cycling though woods, he comes across an obstacle,
falls down and loses consciousness. The significator
of the bicycle is primarily Uranus because cycling requires
the ability to maintain balance. In addition, we can
use Mercury and also the third house. The woods are represented
by the twelfth house and also by the sign of Pisces and
the planet Neptune. Scott has
this energy in the form of Uranus in Pisces (driving
bicycle through the woods) quincunx Neptune in
the third house, which indicates the obstacle and the
loss of consciousness (Neptune).
There is Mercury in the twelfth, as noted earlier, which
once again describes cycling through the woods. He
is brought to the hospital, where he spends about ten
days in coma, and his fiancée is beside his bed the
entire time (Venus in the twelfth) talking to
him (in conjunction with Mercury) although he
is in coma (twelfth house). In the meantime, while he lies in the hospital unconscious,
Elisabeth Witcomb, a hundred and fifty years away, meets
a military officer incredibly similar to Scott. She falls
passionately in love with him. She writes to Scott about
this, but for several days she does not get an answer,
because he is in the coma. She mentions the name of the
officer in the letter and explains to Scott that through
this officer she feels closer to him than ever. The civil
war in America is
going on and her officer is to go to battle soon.
After about ten days, Scott recovers and, through the letters
she sent to him, learns about recent developments. He
is very happy about her meeting the officer, but he worries
about the officer's fate in the war. Searching the historical
data about the civil war on Internet, he discovers that
her lover dies in just the battle he is about to go to.
He quickly writes to Elisabeth, asking her to stop her
officer from going to the battle, and he goes to the
post-office to send the letter. However, as he is approaching
the post-office he sees the building in flames. With
difficulty he gets through the back entrance to send
the letter as he has done so many times before. He manages
to send it at the last minute, and the letter gets to
Elisabeth through the postman in the coach.
It is now clear to me about the danger
associated with the Sun conjunct Menkalinan at 29° of Gemini. The
post-office, which was their bridge through eternity
(29°), burned
down. Elisabeth received her last letter from Scott. The
officer had already left to the battle, so she collected
all of her strength to try to reach him, in order to save
him. Explosions, gunfire, wounded soldiers and dead ones
were all part of the scenes she saw as she looked for her
lover. When she finally found him, he had been already
heavily wounded, and he then died in her arms.
At this very moment, Scott is telling to his fiancée
Deborah about his "love affair" with Elisabeth,
letting her know that what he feels for Elisabeth he will
never feel for her (Deborah), whom he is to marry. Of course,
the romance breaks down. Saturn, which is in his fifth
house trining Venus, is naturally a strong sign for a long
romance and fiancée, but the square of Mars to Saturn
indicates breaks.
In the next scene, Scott leaves for Elisabeth's old house,
which still exists in the woods out of the town (his
Venus/Mercury in 12th). He discovers there that she never married, and
that she has been remembered as quite unusual person
for the age in which she lived. She wrote poems and worked
as a professor in the school. He finds out where she
was buried and goes to visit her grave.
The cemetery represented by the eighth house. The ruler
of the eighth is Saturn and it is in the fifth house,
in a trine with Mercury and Venus, as discussed previously.
Can you guess what happens to him at the cemetery? First
he finds a love message on the tomb-stone of the beloved
one (Saturn the ruler of the eight, also signifying stone,
is in the fifth... in trine with Venus and Mercury) saying: "I
have never forgotten." This is indicative of Mercury
trine Saturn with the Moon trining Mercury, which tells
us about memory. Of course, it had to be a line of that
However, because Saturn (ruler of the 8th) is in the
fifth, he finds his love in the cemetery! Just at that
very moment,
a girl walking with her dog appears (Saturn is in trine
with Venus (girl) and Mercury (a pet). The girl, incredibly,
looks just like Elisabeth Witcomb, though she looks more
modern. They recognize each other at first sight, and
the movie ends.
While our hero was looking at the message written on
the tomb-stone, I noticed the date of birth, which is
inscribed on the stone. It read Elisabeth Witcomb,
23. March 1834. Although the time of birth was not inscribed,
I decided to make a horoscope for that day at noon in
Boston. As I already knew some events connected to her
life, it
was not very difficult to determine the exact time of
birth by rectification. I found out that she was born
at 7.20
a.m. This time places Jupiter, the ruler of the 9, in
the first house (she was a professor). The rulers of
the 7th
were Mars and Pluto. With Mars in Aquarius conjunct Uranus,
what can better indicate that she lived freely, unmarried?
Pluto is in the 12th house, suggesting the lack of a
partner, or a partner from another time. Besides, the
Moon is in
Virgo, which often indicates widows and spinsters. She
wrote poems (conjunction of Mercury and Venus) of which
Mr. Rigl, the art critic, spoke as being too full of
passion (Mercury and Venus in Aries) and too revolutionary
her time (Mars, the dispositor of Mercury and Venus,
is in Aquarius in conjunct Uranus). This critic of her
is Saturn in Libra (an elderly man criticizing, and at
the same time offering her a marriage, again Libra).
Saturn opposes Mercury (criticizing), but also opposes
so she remains unmarried (more so as Venus is in the
Where in the chart do we see her correspondence with "the
man from other times"? Of course it comes from the
same picture we can see in the horoscope of our main
hero: Mercury conjunct Venus in the 12th, intercepted
in Aries.

- main female role
The ruler of the third house is Mercury
(writing), and it conjuncts Venus (love) in the twelfth
(secret, out of time). The conjunction of Mercury and
Pluto reflects the fact that her letters have found "time
holes" and traveled to a completely different
age. It also reflects the fact that she learned from
Scott’s letter that her officer might die in
the upcoming battle (Mercury conjunct with Pluto, news
of death). The officer she loved and his calamity can
be seen from the fifth house (pre-marriage love affairs).
Leo on the cusp of the house suggests a striking, handsome
man. The Sun, ruler of the fifth, is in her twelfth,
which is the eighth house (war, death) from the fifth
(lover). I conclude that he is an officer because the
Sun is in Aries in the eighth house from the fifth
(officer going to war). She loves him (Sun conjunct
Venus), but he dies (eight house from the fifth, which
speaks of difficulties for loved one). Venus also opposes
Saturn; Mars, the dispositor of Venus, is conjunct
Uranus (explosion). He dies in her arms (Venus, her
signifier, and the Sun, his signifier, are conjunct
in his eighth house!).
Does the chart say why she does not arrive in time
to save him? This we see from the next picture: when
she got the news that her beloved one will die (Mercury
in conjunction with Pluto), she (Venus) quickly (Aries)
runs to the battlefield (Venus is moving toward conjunctions
with Mercury and Pluto (where people die). Before Venus
reaches this conjunction, however, she receives the
exact opposition of Saturn (Venus is at 6°, and
Saturn is on 7°, so Venus enters the opposition).
The opposition suggests an obstacle, which tells us
she will arrive late. On another level, the situation
certainly relates to history (Saturn) too, which rebels
against the change of the course of events and especially
of those historically recorded (that the officer had
died in the battle).
Now comes the best part: completely fascinated by the
incredible intelligence underlying every story (however
fictional it may appear), I decided to check the thing
through predictions. On the basis of a date written
at the heading of her first letter which Scott found
in the table (16-04-1863) it is clear she was 29 when
she wrote it, and that date marked the beginning of
incredible events in her life. According to directions,
her Moon at her 29 years of age (one year = one degree)
comes to 6 degrees of Libra, and that is the degree
where our hero has his Moon. This is so real,
I simply could not believe it!
Also, her Venus from the twelfth
house moved to conjunct her Ascendant (a further confirmation
of the exactness of the Ascendant), which indicates
a strong love (secret, out of time, because Venus is
in the 12th in the intercepted sign) unfolding in that
particular year.
On the other hand, her Jupiter, according to the very
same direction, is in the exact sextile with Venus
(the greatest love). Yet, in that year a person she
loves (the officer) dies, and this is clearly seen
from the position of the directed Sun. In her 29th
year, the Sun has moved to 1° of Taurus. The Sun
is the natural ruler of the fifth house (her lover)
and by direction is in exact square with Neptune, the
ruler of the eighth house from the fifth (the ruler
of death of her lover).
Although it is not my desire to do a comparative analysis
of their horoscopes, I cannot avoid noting that their
Parts of Fortune are absolutely on the same degree:
Elisabeth’s is at 10° 05' Libra, and Scott’s
is at 10° 07' Libra. By the way, this is the degree
of the star Kaphir, which has a Mercury-Venus nature.
Does this combination remind you of something? I should
also mention that a horoscope made for the date of
her first letter (April 16, 1863) gives Moon/Neptune
conjunction in her twelfth house at 4 degrees of Aries,
which is in the exact midpoint between her Sun and
Venus in the twelfth. Everything matches everything
else to the minutest detail, as if the event really
All these calculations and combinations
could be further confirmed. Astrology reveals the
of a
story, seemingly invented, yet not merely "invented".
In every story conceived, in every work of art, and
in every creation there is a strong Intelligence
weaving its own inner story, a kind of warp and woof
in which
all events are logically set. Why is that? Has some
spirit from 1923 influenced the writer of this work
to create such a story, telling us about a great
love who lived in some other time?
I am completely convinced that the whole atmosphere
is full of intelligent beings (some would call them
spirits), who are in constant contact with us below
the threshold of our conscious existence. Every story
an artist tells about the moment of inspiration while
creating a work of art includes a story of some spirit
or some intelligence "conveying" it to
him or her. This is true of every artistic work.
I know
that I spontaneously translate every film and every
situation I encounter into the language of astrological
symbols. I do this because astrology is my way of
thinking (Uranus in the 3rd house). Yet, this is
the first time
I made full horoscopes for both of the main characters
in a movie, the first time I became so strongly interested
in the characters and the plot. And why is it so?
Again I look at the horoscope of Scott, the main
hero. It dawns to me as I look at the chart that
he has Uranus
(the planet of the astrologer) at 17° Pisces, in
the very degree of my Sun, my Ascendant ruler! I am
profoundly connected to his story, and it has been
given to me to see it quite clearly. In the horoscope
of Elisabeth Witcomb, I find Uranus at 24° Aquarius,
in the exact degree Uranus occupies in the present
time when I am exploring the film characters with
astrological tools. Both horoscopes are connected
with Uranus via
my own horoscope and via the very moment of their



Aleksandar Imsiragic is the founder and President of the
astrology school in Beograd, Johannes Kepler. To get to know
more about the author, visit this page: