Chart Service: Interpretations and Astrology Charts

Continuation: Page 5
Subject: Re: Sample Chart

The spirit of Cosmic Patterns makes this business worthwhile.


-M. Baruch
Prescott, AZ

Happily, the package arrived yesterday, and I'm already having fun exploring its many unique properties. I especially like the astro-maps report function. It certainly fills in a lot of the details missing from Jim Lewis' original program with the succinct delineation of the mid-point aspects. David and the Cosmic Patterns team deserve a lot of credit for the remarkable evolution of the Kepler program. Congratulations! Keep up the good work. Peaceful regards,

-D. Pilbrow
Indianapolis, IN

Subject: Saturday in Chicago (2-28-04)
The seminar was a great success. Pam is a delight and gave 150% of herself to the workshop.

I learned so much in the short day. I feel so comfortable with using Kelper. I have been a customer since 1980 and this is the first time that I feel qualifed to use 6.0. One day is forth a thousand mistakes with trial an error. I do appreciate you making this happen.

-C. Kingsbury-Reed
Huberton, WI

Thank you so much for all your patient help yesterday. You were right about my computer. I started having other problems. My brother is my computer person as he is a professional computer repair person and he is checking it all out.

You were so patient with me yesterday and now I have all the names.txt files on disk which i had been putting off. Thank you again and I will tell others about what good customer support cosmic patterns has. I will even put it on my web page when I can get back to working on my web page. Again, thank you

-J. Puhlman
Hendersonville, NC

Hi folks, Just wanted to tell you that the new version of Kepler ROCKS. I find something new to enjoy every time I use it. This is a major Upgrade and I'm really enjoying it. Keep up the good work!

-K. Connelll
Lambertville, NJ

My husband and I wish to thank you for your wonderful, courteous and patient assistance you provided tous yesterday when we where having such a difficulty exporting from my old 3.11 computer. The kind of service you give needs to be acknowledged. It is not the "nrm" for so many of todays' businesses. It is so nice to have a real live voice answer the telephome, and not get caught in the exasperating loops of "VOICE MIAL". We will always recommend your program and services to anyone we know looking for an outstanding astrology program

-C. Precourt
San Marcos, CA

Dear Fei and David,

Thank you so much for taking time from your busy schedules to host the Kepler training session last weekend. I learned many new things about Kepler, and I am eagerly awaiting Kepler 6.

It was heavenly for me to be surrounded by such good vibrations. This is the spirit of Astrology that I learned from the dear Rosicrusians so many years ago, and I am very grateful to have the opportunity to participate in studying with you. And FEI, you did a masterful job of coordinating the care and feeding of this diverse group.

Your wonderful team has, and will continue to play an important role in transforming the public perception of Astrology from mystic mumbo jumbo to respected science. I look forward to seeing Avalon College grow and prosper.

Again, thank you for the inspiring weekend.


-Z. McKenzie
Windermere, FL

I received and installed Kepler 6.0 over this past weekend.


You've outdone yourselves!!!! This is the most wonder-filled version ever! I had a great weekend exploring the program.

As a full time professional, certified astrologer, I've relied on your software since 1987. I've always preferred Cosmic Patterns to all other astrology software, and I've purchased them all since 1982.

I just had to write you a note to let you know how much I appreciate all the work you put into this latest version. It's truly?


Remembering you with prayers, love and rainbows.

-S. Dean
Las Vegas, NV

The latest version of Kepler is fantastic, and I get a lot of positive feedback from customers who upgraded to/bought this version. The two books by David were also very inspiring and interesting. Look forward to read more about his research.

-A. Krovel

I purchased Kepler 5.0 for my wife a year,or so ago. She enjoys the program very much. I , myself, am not involved in astrology, other than listening with interest, to what my wife tells me. I would like to get her a gift, and I was hoping that you may have a item similar to, or complimentary to, Kepler 5.0, that she might enjoy.

-B. Roper

I've been using Kepler professionally for 10 years (fantastic program!), and I've been involved in the Gurdjieff work for 20 years, and Castaneda's work for the past 7. In analyzing their charts against what I know of them from reading their books and being involved in the work, and having observed Castaneda at his workshops, what's amazing is that the charts match the person. When I analyze their charts and go back and analyze the things they said and did, they match. I think the birth data are accurate. Anyway, thanks again. Kepler is excellent. Keep up the good work!


Dear Fei:
I never had a chance to write to thank you for the excellent time I had at your Conference (due to unexpected personal reasons) but better late than never. Not only was I extremely impressed with your beautiful offices, organization and quality of your operation, but above that, you and David were terrifically inspiring as human beings representing the ideal one hopes for in those who represent the astrological community - you give the word "astrology" pride, dignity and beauty besides imparting knowledge of the highest sort. That alone was worth my trip. Kudos and thanks to you both and much success. Like they say, "you earned it."

- F. Flood
Lincoln Park, NJ

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***Updated on3/25/2004 at4:00:59 PM
Copyright © 1982-2004 Cosmic Patterns Software, Inc.