SATURN TRANSITS What do they mean to your career? by Donna Cunningham Copyright © 2009 All Rights Reserved
you discovered that the planet Saturn
is traveling through one of your career houses—the
2nd, 6th, or 10th? Are you thinking, “That can’t
be good?” Some
astrologers frown when talking about a Saturn transit through
your career houses
or forming aspects to planets in those
houses or to the Midheaven. They
may say you’ll
suffer losses, delays, or setbacks—but that’s only
part of the picture, a short-sighted one at that. HOW SATURN
you’ve been working both hard and smart for a long time,
Saturn can bring the reward; if you’re doing a shoddy
job, you’ll be held accountable. If your foundation
firm enough, you’ll be asked to rebuild. Saturn transits
to career houses represent times
when performance demands are high
and there are obstacles to overcome.
Yet at the same time, we’re
often given the chance to prove
ourselves and show our capabilities in more
challenging work opportunities.
Our level of maturity and the life experience that we’ve
accumulated and can land us a position of considerably
more responsibility. A Saturn transit
through a career house often entails
a temporary sacrifice for a
long-term goal. For instance, if it’s in your 6th, you may
take a lower-ranking job in a different field or company
that opens up opportunities once you’ve
got a track record behind you.
Saturn transits represent a period of focusing on bottom-line
job accountability,
and long-term
goals. Saturn
transiting the 2nd House: Depending on natal placements in this house, Saturn’s travels through the 2nd mean you
can benefit from a practical, common-sense approach to finances,
with the tendency to live frugally and not to waste money or resources
on frivolous purchases or pursuits. It requires an essentially
sound manner of managing money and a capacity to live within your
means. If you’ve been working hard, the Saturn transit shows
a payoff. You may be pursuing some long-range goal, such as professional
education, and so you’ll need to be very stringent with yourself
financially. To establish yourself in a
new career direction, you may even temporarily take a pay cut,
yet this strategy should pay
off in the long run. One challenge to overcome,
however, is a tendency to earn considerably less than your work
is worth. Additional financial
stresses or a higher work load during the
Saturn transit might bring you to the point of setting limits and
demanding fair wages
for your contribution to the workplace. Saturn
transiting the 6th House: You’ll be working hard,
but now is a time when you can begin to see the rewards for a foundation
you’ve been laying much of your work life. There may be increased
demands due to downsizing, so that you’re carrying the load
for two. Still, even in a financial downswing,
good skills and work ethic are likely to make you irreplaceable. Saturn
transiting the 10th House: As Saturn crosses—or
Midheaven, you may be thrust into a position
of authority despite yourself. Once you
realize how much better the mission will flow
with your extensive set of skills and abilities,
you may well accept the position and
spend the next couple of years getting used to
it. Given Saturnian traits like high standards
and perfectionism, you might well have
trouble delegating and would have to learn
that praise is a better motivator for employees
than criticism is. SATURN
AND CAPRICORN Let’s end with a boost for anyone who
has Saturn transiting their vocational sectors. Saturn is naturally
related to Capricorn. If you have Capricorn planets
in an occupational house natally, you probably already have a solid track record
in just the qualities needed to benefit from this transit. When Capricorn
is strong natally, and especially when Saturn is also strongly
in your birth chart,
this transit by Saturn can be a time when your Inner Parent is finally
satisfied that you’ve paid your dues, are entitled to expert status, and qualify
for a better—even a managerial—position. AUTHOR:
Donna Cunningham |
Copyright © 2009
Cosmic Patterns Software, Inc.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009