MARS PLUTO ASPECTS What Determines How They're Used? by Donna Cunningham Copyright © 2009 All Rights Reserved
astrologers view Mars-Pluto aspects
with trepidation. We can understand why, when
both planets are labeled “malefic.” Named for the
god of war, Mars represents
such often-disowned functions as anger, aggression, and competitiveness.
Pluto represents
our will to power, and because power is so often abused,
is typically disavowed and projected
others. We all have
both Mars and Pluto in our charts and need to integrate
and express them constructively
in order to be whole and free. Our
collective unwillingness to own these planets within ourselves
can make life
difficult for people who have
the aspect. Family, peers, and the
collective project
their shadow side onto Mars-Pluto
people and then act on the projections
to squelch overt expressions of this aspect. MARS
into the lives of individuals with
this aspect, we find that some of them
emphasize Mars’ characteristics
more—and seem to do better—while others come down
heavily on the side of Pluto. With
Mars emphasized, these can be dynamic, courageous, and
even downright sexy folks who live
life with
a good deal of spunk and zest and who
make an intense impact on their world.
They can be strong leaders, often on a crusade. The better
qualities of Pluto come into it as
for despite opposition and obstacles
that would crush a lesser soul, they stay focused on
demanding goals, which often involve
righting the wrongs around them. Magicians
of a sort, once their intention is set, they seem to
have a magnetic power to attract just
the people, situations, and information they need in
order to
their aims. Others with
this combination turn Mars’ energies in on themselves and
get hung up in negative expressions of Pluto. Fueled by painful
histories, they
can be bitter, brooding, shame-ridden
naysayers who poison their lives—and
the lives of those close to them—with perpetual grievances and resentments
that they can hold onto for decades. Distrustful of people, of God, and of
life itself, these alienated souls may isolate to armor themselves against
betrayals. When isolation becomes too agonizing, they may latch tightly onto
a highly significant other and build walls to enclose the two of them. Some
pursue destructive actions for revenge or to defend what they view as rightfully
theirs. HOW
WOMEN There can be
a considerable difference between men
and women in the ways Mars-Pluto aspects
are used. Since men tend
to be Mars-like—both
by conditioning and to a certain extent hormonally—they’re
more likely to express the Mars-warrior side. No matter how much we may
have evolved,
there’s still
a pervasive expectation that men’s positions in society will be
the dominant ones. Given this
collective expectation, some men with
this aspect seize upon domination as their right and become Alpha
whether in the military or not, or rising to positions of power in their
workplace. Napoleon Bonaparte
had a trine from Mars in Virgo to Pluto in Capricorn, while drug lord,
Manuel Noriega had a tight square from Mars in Libra to Pluto in Cancer. Despite
decades of progress, it’s still not the done thing for
women or girls to be too openly angry, assertive,
ambitious, or competitive—all
functions of Mars—and therefore many women learn to be covert
in seeking power and control. Fearing disapproval, they often resort
to subtle expressions
of Pluto to get what they want. They may seduce, manipulate, and
co-opt by “helpfulness,” or
engage in psychological blackmail to gain the upper hand in relationships.
Women whose
charts have Mars-Pluto combinations are
in an unenviable position. They yearn for a certain kind of power—usually,
the capacity to transform what they discern to be inequitable
in their
surroundings, especially abuses
of power and betrayal of trust. When it arises from painful personal
experiences, as it often does with this aspect, their anger over
corruption can be strong.
Yet, should they be too vocal, they’re labeled, not just
as angry but perceived as dangerously unfeminine. However, with
patterns like trines
and sextiles from other planets, with hard work at healing their
wounds, and with the right opportunities, women with this aspect
can become
advocates for
change, whether on the family, local, or societal level. THE
chart, what determines whether Mars or Pluto is the stronger?
In part, the answers may be astrological—what kind of aspect
is it and how close? What other planets aspect Mars or Pluto—and
do those planets aspect both of them or only one? What signs
and houses are involved? Are Mars or Pluto in
the potent Gauquelin sectors 10° either side of the Ascendant,
Midheaven, Descendant or IC? If so, which of them is closer to
the angle? Naturally, you’d
take into account all other planets aspecting Mars
as well as any planets in Aries or Scorpio in order to get a
picture. I don’t
believe astrology holds a pat answer for this puzzle. People
with Mars-Pluto trines can as easily misuse
the combination as can hard aspects—and
hard aspects don’t necessarily make you a hard case!
Over the years, I’ve
observed that orbs too wide for most astrologers—10° for
a Mars-Pluto conjunction--can produce results as devastating—or
as transformative—as
the tightest of aspects. Study the natal chart for checks,
balances, and mitigating factors. However, my work with clients
suggests that the answer isn’t so
much in the chart as in the soul. Foremost, the answer lies
in the extent of childhood wounding to Mars and Pluto functions.
For some, events have been far
more traumatic than for others. Alcohol or substance abuse
adds central nervous system irritability and “liverishness,” making
it harder to access Mars’ energizing potentials. When
childhood experiences set the person up to attract traumatic
adult experiences that
mirror the childhood
ones, the
wounds are worn even deeper and become harder to heal. Experiences
and healing efforts after childhood also modify the aspect’s
effects. What opportunities, supports, and role models outside
the family have people with this aspect had for developing
the healthier
expressions of the aspect?
Most importantly, have they clung to destructive patterns
or worked hard to overcome them, by their own capacity to
themselves and
with the help of therapists
and healers? Success also helps ease their anger and alienation,
giving much-needed peer validation and a sense of power and
control over their
lives. AUTHOR:
Donna Cunningham |
Copyright © 2009
Cosmic Patterns Software, Inc.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009