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Elton John March 25, 1947 4:00 PM Daylight Savings Time Pinner, England Latitude 51 N 36 Longitude 0 W 23 GMT: 15:00:00 Time Zone: 0 hours West. Tropical Zodiac This Report called INDRA (Version 1.7) creates a psychological mirror of your life, by interpreting the astronomical symbols present at your moment of birth using a large amount of prewritten text. INDRA describes your basic motivations, perceptions, inclinations, and character from a number of different perspectives giving a highly accurate composite view of your life. Your contradictory urges and drives as well as your chief focuses are described in INDRA. You will understand yourself better by studying this material. Your INDRA report provides guidelines for personal improvement and self discovery. Your life can improve quickly and dramatically if you apply the suggestions given here. By raising your aims and expectations you can obtain a deeper self-understanding and thereby resolve your inner conflicts and contradictions. INDRA is not meant as a substitute for astrological consultations, therapy, or the study of astrology; it is an interactive tool to enhance these things. Truly, INDRA provides a foundation for self-understanding.
Cosmic Patterns SECTION I. The Structure and Intent of Your Life. There are four items of general interest that we want to take up here in Section I: A) Hemisphere and Quadrant Emphasis, B) Elements and Modes, C) The Ascendant and Midheaven, and D) The Conjunctions. These four categories give us an intelligent overview of how you structure personal experience and what you aim for in life. This general patterning gives us a context to understand the specific personal meaning of the material in Sections 2 through 11. A. Hemisphere and Quadrant Emphasis The different areas of life are laid out in the horoscope by spatial territories called houses. These areas of life show interests and general involvements for each person. These areas can be grouped together for a vast overview of most basic inclinations of the person. The most useful general groupings of houses is into hemispheres and quadrants. Emphasis in a hemisphere or quadrant shows a particularly strong focus toward life from that perspective. 1. Hemisphere The horoscope can be split into 2 equal parts, either horizontally (giving us the upper and lower hemispheres) or vertically (giving us the right and left hemispheres). The Upper Hemisphere shows the outer, more extroverted side of the personality, the Lower Hemisphere shows the more introverted and hidden side of the personality. In the Left Hemisphere planets are rising and this shows action. In the Right Hemisphere planets are setting and this shows reaction. Most Planets Above the Horizon You have the majority of your planets above the horizon showing that you have a need for contact with the outer world in order to feel fulfilled each day. You enjoy projects, achieving and a sense of accomplishment. Success for its own sake is more important than what security it might present to you. Most Planets Setting You have the majority of your planets on the western half (or right-hand side) of your chart. Your natural tendency is to seek others' approval and to question the probable outcome of an action before putting your first efforts forward. 2. Quadrant The two ways of splitting the horoscope into hemispheres can be applied simultaneously giving us four quadrants. The FIRST is called the quadrant of personality. The SECOND is called the quadrant of the environment. The THIRD is called the quadrant of relationship. The FOURTH is called the quadrant of service. Most Planets in the Third Quadrant You have the majority of your planets in the third quadrant. You desire to relate and will seek out experiences that bring you in contact with people and increase your scope of information of others. This is your primary motivation in all activities. You want physical, emotional, or intellectual contact with others. This is your primary vehicle of personal development. B. Elements and Modes The Elements and Modes show what we aim for in life. They show our broadest focus and in the most general sense, how we go about achieving our goals. 1. Elements The four elements (fire, earth, air and water) are the most comprehensive inventory of the personality that we have. Everything in the universe including the human personality can be examined in terms of the four elements. FIRE is your basic enthusiastic urge, EARTH shows your concern for the material world, AIR is the element of abstract thought, WATER is your empathy impulse. Fire and earth are primitive and focus on the self. Air and water are derivative and focused on others. Fire and air are naturally extrovert, optimistic, active, and freedom oriented. Earth and water are basically introvert, pessimistic, passive, and security oriented. Fire You have 30% of your chart in the fire element. This fire supplies you with great energy for your own personal projects. Still, you suffer if the projects that you select are too big. You need quick victories to keep from losing heart, and to keep believing in yourself. The magic ingredient is believing in yourself. When you forget this, your life produces much frustration; you end up driven by duty more than desire. The trick to working with your fire element is to design the placement of your energy so that you get sufficient positive reinforcement, enabling you to keep reinvesting in your own projects. Earth Because your Moon is in an earth sign your personal life is the key to making material progress. Only 10% of your chart in the earth element so it can be all too easy to lose focus on what gives you progress. Be practical and thorough in your daily routines and you can build a pattern of success. You do not appear to be as thorough, as careful, or as concerned with the long term results of your actions as others. Daily attention to your family life and your emotional bonds helps you create the long term foundations that you need. Air You have 30% of your chart in the air element. You vacillate between being very interested in people and ideas and needing time by yourself. Periodic isolation and an involvement with routine, commonplace activities that do not require innovation are relaxing for you. You need both spontaneous activities as well as predictable patterns in your life. Water You have 30% of your chart in the water element. The emotional content of your chart is so strong that it is never a neutral ingredient in your life. How you are able to integrate this quality of empathy into the rest of your personality traits will determine how well you will mingle with others. Learning good relationship skills early in life is very important to your proper adjustment and socialization to life and your culture. 2. Modes The three modes are CARDINAL, FIXED, and MUTABLE. The modes of expression show how you act out your urges in the world. They represent your most basic responding mechanism toward all of life experience. The cardinal planets show direct expression in physical action, leadership ability and strength. The fixed mode planets in your chart show reaction, consistency, persistency, endurance and stubbornness. The mutable planets in your chart show synthesis, blending, malleableness, thought, forethought, debate and wisdom. The following statements show the way the three modes manifest in your life. Cardinal You have 20% of your chart in the cardinal mode showing that you are capable of both leading and following. You know how to assert your point of view or execute someone else's. Your preference is to follow someone else's lead and embark on your own path only when you feel it is necessary. Fixed A tremendous amount of your chart is in the fixed mode. You have endurance. Whether a course of action is good or bad you are more likely to stay with it than change. The principle of inertia is with you. When you rest, you have real difficulty getting going. When you are in motion, you have real difficulty stopping or even changing directions (even slightly). People find you a loyal friend and a tenacious enemy. Mutable You have 30% of your chart in the mutable mode. Adjustment to new circumstances is relatively easy for you. Part of your nature is very stimulated by change. You like to think about your experiences so as to accommodate any new information that occurs. This is not your only way of being but your favorite mode of operation can be reactive. Exposure to new ideas and methods can help you be calmer while still helping you maintain interest in life. C. The Ascendant and Midheaven (Signs and Aspects) 1. The Ascendant The ascendant is symbolic of our relationship to our immediate environment. This is the point rising in the east when we are born. One manifestation of our immediate environment is our physical body. The physical environment includes our body, our surroundings and our emotional and mental states. Thus, the ascendant tells us how our inner core expresses itself, and how we take in information from others and the universe generally. The sign rising in your horoscope tells us the type of energy you are processing, the type of physical body that you have for doing the processing and the natural inclinations you have in the personal arena in life. The planets in aspect to your ascendant tell us the kind of energy and stamina you have as natural allies in life. The ascendant is opposite the seventh house cusp (the place where we meet others and the world). This axis (ascendant-decendant) is how we clarify ourselves through relationships. Planets in aspect to this axis indicate the types of people and the types of relationships we seek as well as how and why we seek them. LEO RISING You have a strong, fixed, and sunny projection of yourself into your environment. You can be very openhearted and very kind to others but for all your optimism and openness you can suffer from narrow self-interest and have difficulty seeing larger issues than circumstances in your own life. Freedom and immediate pleasure keep your attention in the moment but your self-concern and a stubborn quality can stop you from achieving as much as you would like in life. Everyone seems to genuinely like you; despite this fact very few people ever get really close, as your aura of self sufficiency keeps you distant. You identify a lot with how your relationships go in life. Still, it is usually more positive for you to directly and personally express the artistic and creative side of your nature rather than have this flair for the dramatic emerge in the interactive arena, where it has the tendency to create chaos. However, regardless of the difficulties, you do always "land on your feet". Your environment and relationships will always emanate a basic sense of good taste regardless of how high or how humble your surroundings. Sun Quincunx the Ascendant Others do not see you as clearly as you would like. This can lead to misunderstanding and frustrations. Don't be shy about asserting yourself, but, know that it takes much effort to get your true message across to others. Mercury Opposition the Ascendant and in the 7th House and unafflicted. You are most curious as to what is going on in others' lives. You bond with others over creative and intellectual projects. Travel plays a large part in your life as you are always reaching out to new and unusual experiences. Other people and their concerns have a very deep and formative hold on you. Venus Opposition the Ascendant and in the 6th House and unafflicted. You seek love and beauty from others and this is also what you wish to give to them. You use relationships as a mechanism to express your wish to serve others. You learn about yourself and refine your outlook on life through interactions with and for others. You have a good grasp of the potential in any situation but suffer from very high expectations of yourself and all concerned. Jupiter Square the Ascendant Misplaced idealism and inflated expectations of life and of others can lead you in circles and away from your goals. You are lucky but need a consistent and realistic direction to have this count for something. Overindulgence can get you into trouble. Too much of anything, even the "good life", can get in the way of self-knowledge. Learn to be satisfied with what you have and you are successful. Learn to moderate your social life and you will find relationships more meaningful. Saturn Semi-Sextile the Ascendant You work hard to develop discipline and continuity of purpose. When you become serious and focused your life tends to take on a very narrow caste. You suffer and life lacks joy. Balance is needed, and once acquired, you learn the amazing skill of having much come to you and from you with a minimum of effort. 2. The Midheaven The Midheaven is the high point in your chart. It indicates what you aspire for, what you see as your duty, and what authority and limits are about. Because of this basic meaning the Midheaven indicates how you live out your social station and what you do for your career. The point opposite the Midheaven is the fourth house cusp, referred to as the nadir, which is the indication of our roots, our heritage. This axis (Midheaven-Nadir) indicates the way we grow in life. The sign on the Midheaven shows our basic energy and approach toward dealing with the world. Planets in aspect to the Midheaven show qualities of our inner being that we wish to contribute to the world and that we wish to be fulfilled through our interaction with the outer world. TAURUS MIDHEAVEN You are solid. You can be stubborn and need to be sure you are not taking yourself or your position in life too seriously. You can be quite loyal but also a real "turf protector" and closed to new input. This quality can contribute to long range success built on slow, cautious accumulation or can be responsible for you setting your aim so low in life that you don't live up to your potential. Sun Semi-Square Midheaven You make your mark on the world and on others. You may have some struggles coming to terms with your responsibilities. This stumbling block may have to be confronted a few times before you get your direction of achievement clearly demarcated. You do make your way in life. Your personality is painted in bold colors. Moon Conjunct Midheaven and in the 9th House and unafflicted. You inspire others through your emotions and by the great diversity of interests that you engage in. You have the ability to explore the alternate points of view and reduce your ideals to the lowest common denominator so that others understand them easily. You have success in life by combining your emotions and your thought processes. Venus Square Midheaven You are naturally attracted to things of beauty. You are motivated by love and romance. You need to make sure that these ingredients don't override and conflict with common sense and your real responsibilities. Color, form and taste are very important to you, but there are times when your personal choices run against the grain of the culture and you need to make sure that this is not problematic. Recognize that others' taste is different without being worse. Mars Sextile Midheaven You like to be in control of any job or project that you work on. You can be a good leader because you inspire others. You know how to put plans into motion very swiftly and are good at spotting opportunity. You have a knack for being at the right place at the right time. Jupiter Opposite Midheaven in the 4th House and unafflicted. You have a quiet confidence and a positive expectation for the future that keeps the good things of life approaching you. Your ever-expanding picture of life may require you to move or travel in order to learn. Uranus Semi-Sextile the Midheaven The urge for freedom colors your picture of a good career and a meaningful life. You realize easily in life that freedom conflicts with your desire for security and accomplishment. Stay active with the idea that you can have both. Responsibilities must be handled early in life without sacrificing self expression or squelching your creativity. Be patient. Your progress in life may zig zag a lot but you can achieve much in the long run if you can accept that your methods and path to your goals are highly unusual. D. The Conjunctions. A Conjunction occurs when two planets are in the same immediate area of the Zodiac. The conjunctions in your chart show central linkings of basic energies in your life. When one area (represented by a planet) expresses itself, it brings along the other area (represented by the other planet). When you are studying the rest of this printout of your life, keep in mind that linking of these energies is a central theme in your life and these areas should be studied together. Mercury Conjunct Mars Think of Sections IV. MERCURY - Your mental life, and VI. MARS -Your energy, as a single unit. This Conjunction is a central indicator of the way you interact with people and your environment Saturn Conjunct Pluto Think of Sections VIII. SATURN - Your obligations, and XI. PLUTO - Your need for fundamental change, as a single unit. These two areas affect each other mightily and show a composite foundation of serious intent present in your personality. This Conjunction represents a necessary focus in your life. SECTION II. The SUN - Your Ego Structure The Sun is the center of the solar system. All life revolves around it within this sphere. In the same way, the ego is the center of personal identity and gives integration and continuity to individual experience. In this sense, it might be said that the Sun shows character. This is the fixed pillar at the center of the person around which all else circulates or revolves. The sign placement of the Sun shows the center of the individual's basic character. The sign of the Sun is the most primary indicator of the forms of experience you are attracted to. Further, this most important placement shows how and why you are attracted to these experiences. The house placement of the Sun sign shows the primary area of expression for the individual in life. There is a psychological, emotional, and physical significance to the house placement of the Sun. Aspects to the Sun show ways that the core of the personality are linked to other component elements in the individual's life. Aspects to the Sun have a deep and overriding significance in the life of the individual and are generally more important, more prominent than other aspects in the chart. SUN IN ARIES You feel yourself to be a natural leader. You are always looking for the spot at the head of the company or the class. You are unconcerned with whether or not others follow you on your various crusades and campaigns. Your basic nature is independent and instantaneously self-expressive. You are good at sizing up a situation quickly. Because you are impulsive, others may think of you as thoughtless or careless. You do often lack patience and tolerance with others. Learn moderation and life is easier. Sun in 8th house You tend to be withdrawn and secretive. Because of your interest in activity behind the scenes you may find your natural place in life working on something which requires large amounts of time alone. Your self-picture moves in extremes from blunt and dull to layer upon layer of infinitely rich textures. Sun in 8th house Unafflicted Brick by brick, you build success. It's slow but it does come. You filter all experience and compare one item to another, selecting one at a time, that which works best. You prefer an attitude of doing more with less. A lot goes on in your soul that most people never see. You are hard to get close to, but others are always rewarded for their effort to get to know you. SUN IS IN SOFT ASPECT TO YOUR JUPITER You are lucky and optimistic. You are frank and direct with people without being hurtful. You are responsible and benevolent and can see how to get things done. You go through several changes in life which leave you in improved circumstances. SUN TRINE YOUR JUPITER OK, you are genuinely lucky. Others want to hop on your "bandwagon" when you move toward a goal. You have the ability to turn one win into another, creating incredible momentum. You know how to create enthusiasm and excitement for any project while at the same time having fun. SUN IS IN SOFT ASPECT TO YOUR SATURN You are self-disciplined and self-aware. You are ambitious and are willing to work hard to put your vision into action. Your naturally conservative instincts lead on a safe and sure path although it may well be a slow one. Being basically of sound judgment and reliable, people tend to trust you; these qualities alone may put you in a position of leadership at some point. SUN TRINE YOUR SATURN Your upbringing, family, and personal history lead you to expect the good in life. Your lofty expectations underlie the "lucky breaks" that come to you. Your personality has a cautious, serious, and disciplined ingredient that supports your vision of life which is practical and specific but also limited. Your productivity is linked to your instinct for finding the "law of gravity" operating through the center of any project. SUN IS IN HARD ASPECT TO YOUR NEPTUNE You have a deeply secretive side to your nature. You are romantic, humanitarian and idealistic. You suffer from an excess of emotion and exaggerated sensitivity to anything that goes wrong in life. Unfortunately, something going wrong can mean merely that it didn't live up to your expectations which can be quite inflated. Your life becomes a dynamic, unstoppable force for good once you accomplish two things: one, you must become self disciplined (i.e. ascetic) enough that you overcome self-indulgence in every form, and two, you must know life by knowing, really knowing, yourself. SUN OPPOSITION YOUR NEPTUNE Overly emotional and often confused, you need grounding for your idealism to avoid difficulties regarding commitments, responsibilities, and expectations. You have high standards and high expectations but it takes a large amount of self-work to become more than a dreamy well wisher in the parade of life. Emotional balance and genuine self knowledge come with great difficulty but are necessary prerequisite for manifesting your spiritual and creative potential. You tend to live in a fantasy realm, full of romantic illusion. You easily attribute to others, the latent unexpress qualities of your own being. SUN IS IN SOFT ASPECT TO YOUR PLUTO You are penetrating in your insight and informative in your suggestions to others. You ask a good deal of yourself and are driven unconsciously toward important issues. You have an instinctive and natural grasp of fundamentals. You approach anything new with a blend of distrust and curiosity, but when you commit to some project you are one hundred percent behind it and execute your part with daring and self-confidence. You make a true friend and a great ally. Your vitality is very strong. SUN TRINE YOUR PLUTO You expect greatness as well as deep, far reaching effects for your efforts. Your vitality, personal magnetism and drive produce fortunate and accomplished results. You put your "Hallmark" on everything you do. You are insightful, being a good investigator and a genuinely healing individual. You have a magic ability to transform yourself and every situation through your intensity of focus. SECTION III. The MOON - Your Personal Life. The Moon inscribes a circle around the earth. It moves more swiftly than other astronomical bodies and thus represents day to day and moment to moment movements, adjustments and preoccupations. The Moon is the symbol of the personal life which is molded and shaped by our environment, by events, and by social and familial expectations. Further, the Moon shows our responses to life which are based on our past habits, experiences, our heritage and our individual and collective cravings. The sign placement of the Moon shows how you project yourself to the general public, how the instinctive and imaginative component of your mind operates, how you express your feelings and your most general experiences of your family and mother. The house placement of the Moon shows how and where you make day to day adjustments. Further, it shows the things you are most interested in dealing with in order to gain emotional equilibrium. The aspects of the Moon show the general characteristics of the personality that are emphasized. Planets in aspect to the Moon are symbolic of qualities in the personality that are used instinctively, habitually and with a high degree of versatility. MOON IN TAURUS You have a sense of inner satisfaction that is both your strength and your weakness. On one hand, you know how to be persistent, to feel contented and to take the sensuous joy in the goodness of life. On the other hand, you may have real difficulty getting going when your circumstances require change. You may have some talent for the arts and you certainly love the creation of beauty. Your feelings run deep and your instincts and reactions to life are very colored by your past experiences. Moon in 9th house You gain emotional stability by bringing about external changes. You have a strong imagination so you are on a continuous quest to better your perspective and perceptions. A certain underlying restlessness and love of adventure can bring about periods of travel. Voyages can be particularly pleasant for you. Moon in 9th house Unafflicted Your basic wholesomeness and sincerity gives you an open mind and a good grasp of other people's situations. Your mind and opinions will change in fundamental ways with the unfolding of emotional experiences all through life. MOON IS IN SOFT ASPECT TO YOUR MERCURY You are intelligent with a good grasp of meanings and a good memory. You adjust easily to changing circumstances, draw quick generalizations and can communicate your findings to the public. You learn new things easily. You are able to expand and build on what you learn because you have a good imagination. MOON SEXTILE YOUR MERCURY You have good creative self-expression. You like getting your ideas across to others. You have a way with words and positive and useful insights. Health and hygiene are important to you. You are well organized and have good business sense as well as the ability to make time for your domestic life. You are tactful, knowing what to say, when to say it, and to whom. Having good writing skills, you are able to articulate your own feelings, as well as those of others'. MOON IS IN SOFT ASPECT TO YOUR MARS You are an ardent lover and an enthusiastic lover of life. You are brave and prepared to fight for a point of view. Your self-assertiveness and assertion can thrust you into a position of emotional leadership. You are a builder and a doer. MOON SEXTILE YOUR MARS Your strong opinions and quick incisive actions, fire your drive toward freedom. If you can't lead, your next choice is to act independently. You are sharp in your criticism of others and are willing to fight for your point of view if and when necessary. MOON IS IN HARD ASPECT TO YOUR PLUTO You easily get so emotionally "locked up" that it becomes difficult to alter or arrest a pattern once it has begun. You can suffer a lot by cutting yourself off from others. You may end a relationship that you desperately want if you feel the other person may reject you or abandon you sometime in the future. You demand a loyalty from others that isn't only unrealistic, but is also something you are incapable of or unwilling to give to others yourself. Further, you are capable of forming compulsive attachments where you hang onto a relationship long after the other person has left you emotionally or even physically. In either of these cases, clearly you have to come to terms with the issue of power and control. Don't be afraid of not being in control. Achieve self-control, understand your own emotions and your life becomes much easier. You might explore your relationship with your mother as it had a much deeper effect on you than for most people. You have ability to work with large figures and with money and finance. You are able to conceptualize many different items of experience simultaneously. If your emotions don't get in your way, you become a leader in some realm. MOON SQUARE YOUR PLUTO Feelings of judgement and disagreement with others can leave you feeling paranoid. Emotional limitations and self-judgements stop you from being open with others. Realize that excessive secrecy stops you from getting correct (or enough) information from your environment. Self-defeating habits hold you back until you are able to get beyond unconscious fears. SECTION IV. MERCURY - Your Mental Life. Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. From the viewpoint of the earth it seems to dart back and forth across the face of the Sun, having three retrograde cycles a year. Mercury is the planet of your mental life. It shows how you receive, process and disseminate information. The sign placement of Mercury shows your basic attitude and mental habits. The aspects of Mercury show your scope of vision and your methods for accomplishing tasks. MERCURY IN PISCES Your mind is reflective to the point of being chameleon-like. Why? Because you think with your feelings and translate thoughts into something at the core of your being. You don't just imitate, you become. You have an artistic and very attenuated manner of communicating. You have an openness and can incorporate several points of view. You often see the humor in a situation and are good at expressing it. You adjust to changes at a profound level. You only need to be concerned about this if you find yourself becoming confused or lazy. This is the sign that you are repressing your own insights while accepting someone else's. Try to gain a detached look at your own drives when this happens. Mercury in 7th house You are attracted to people who you feel are interested in life and who are good conversationalists. You feel comfortable relating with those you have a past history with. Your own thoughts become clearer through dialogue. Mercury in 7th house Unafflicted You are prompted to look at the world differently by new people who enter your life. You enjoy the free exchange of ideas. You learn much though dialogue and others benefit by what you have to say. MERCURY IN ASPECT TO THE MOON This indicates that you have a very personal, feeling mind. You have a very close personal use for your mental life. The details of this connection were discussed in Section III. The Moon -Your personal life. MERCURY CONJUNCT MARS You have an enthusiastic, incisive and energetic mind. You are practical and compulsive. You think quickly and draw your inferences from empirical observation. Your life suffers at times by being too "me" oriented. You don't give an opinion as much as assert a point of view. You are a fighter for a cause whether or not there is a fight, or for that matter, a cause. Your mind is on fire so you often express yourself with anger. You have a natural talent for occupations involving change and physical movement. SECTION V. VENUS - Your Love Nature. The planet Venus shows the way you express your love nature and what you aspire for in life as good or beautiful. Venus has much to do with how you form your values. The sign placement of Venus shows the type of love energy you have. The house placement of Venus shows the natural area of expression of the love energy. The aspects of Venus indicate how and under what circumstances you express the gentle and loving side of your nature. VENUS IN AQUARIUS You love intellectual stimulation and companionship. You are idealistic, social and really unselfish. You are humanitarian and unconventional and unafraid of the path in front of you, regardless of whether others have been this way before or not. You value music, poetry and art from the future or the ancient past, often both. You find inner balance through your search for reality and through large humanitarian projects. Venus in 6th house You make your work circumstances pleasant and you generally find your daily routines pleasant. Your general health picture may not be particularly strong. Personal accomplishment in life comes through cooperation and sharing. You are capable of this but may need to remind yourself every so often to let others become involved in your work. Venus in 6th house Unafflicted You are very pleasant companionship when a task has to be performed. You make light work of even complicated and difficult tasks. You have an easy manner for accomplishing the strictly routine, always finding a way to make it interesting. You have an instinctive feeling for how progress can be achieved by focusing on the ordinary details of daily life VENUS IS IN HARD ASPECT TO YOUR JUPITER You have extravagant taste and certain primitive vanities that leave you vulnerable to being manipulated and used by others. You have difficulties in telling who your real friends are. Money and good times come to you but they tend to be unstable. Your romantic life is very unsettling even though very interesting. Overindulgence gets you into trouble more than once but for all your flaws people basically like you so you stay "people rich" even when you are "dollar poor". Money comes and goes in great quantities and when you learn to save you have security. VENUS SQUARE YOUR JUPITER You like money and adornments. You have good taste, but, sometimes it's too good. You can get into trouble through overindulgence; staying on a budget is almost impossible for you. You are vain and others manipulate you through your own bloated picture of yourself. An honest self-appraisal and some reasonable restraint is the way to guaranty that your love of life, people, and nice things don't get you into trouble. Good luck comes to you, don't throw it away. VENUS IS IN SOFT ASPECT TO YOUR URANUS You are a colorful and romantic individual that looks for the unique in life and generally finds it. You have unusual ideas about sex and human relationships. Behind your revolutionary zeal is a real humanitarian that wants to see a better world free of prejudice. You have a good eye for spotting unusual sources of income. Although the picture fluctuates a lot, finances get easier as you get older. VENUS TRINE YOUR URANUS Your artistic and dramatic flair thrusts you forward every so often in ways that create a new expression for your feelings. Your taste is exotic and you look for expressions of your love in ways that create exhilaration and a sense of personal freedom. VENUS IS IN HARD ASPECT TO YOUR NEPTUNE You are easily led by your feelings. You are an idealist and a sensitive soul that is having a tough time getting your values to manifest. People take advantage of you at times because you empathize with others' pain. You have artistic talent but this is not meant to be a life as an artist. Consequently, you will have difficulties in youth getting reinforced for your aesthetic efforts. Later in life you will be a patron of the arts. Your artistic sentiments will come out and into full bloom in the realm of people. It takes you a long time to discover who is reliable and who isn't because you would rather believe in the inherent goodness of each person. You somehow expect that every person will have the same value system and perspective as you. VENUS SESQUIQUADRATE YOUR NEPTUNE You chase the illusion of beauty and your love nature is always bonded to a distant ideal. You have creativity in your soul and will find emotional stability through the expression of the aesthetic urge. Your taste is colorful and unique. SECTION VI. MARS - Your Energy. Mars is the planet of desires. It shows how you aim at your goals and how you power yourself toward your goals. Mars represents your most fundamental wants. The sign placement of Mars shows the fundamental nature of your assertions. The house placement of Mars shows the area of your life you are most likely to focus on. The aspects to Mars show how and to what extent your desires and assertions are involved with other aspects of living. MARS IN PISCES You desire an ideal that doesn't manifest in the world around you. When you learn this, your energy is channeled toward a higher realm. Then, life works out well for you. Until you learn this you dissipate your energy chasing the symbols of the ideal and tend to be quite confused. Your method for getting what you want is momentary and confused. You are intuitive in your approach and things tend to get so complicated that even simple things can retreat into the category of the unobtainable. Your energy becomes stronger and more stable when you get a musical or artistic outlet for your imagination. The harmony and inner rhythm of the arts allows you to be open to necessary structuring of your impulses. Mars in 7th house You are assertive in relationships and often bring out the most aggressive side of people that you interact with. This adversarial attitude can run the gambit from healthy competition to open warfare. Mars in 7th house Unafflicted Your ability to immerse yourself in someone else's life and issues while keeping your own life "tabled" is a virtue. You can be an excellent team player. MARS IN ASPECT TO THE MOON Mars in aspect to the Moon shows that you have a lot of energy wrapped up in your instinctive consciousness. This insight is detailed out in Section III. The Moon - Your Personal Life. MARS IN ASPECT TO MERCURY Your Mars in aspect to Mercury shows that you have a strong desire nature attached to your thought processes. The impact of this aspect on you reasoning process is discussed in Section IV. Mercury - Your Mental Life. MARS IS IN HARD ASPECT TO YOUR SATURN You are a perfectionist. You can pick at yourself and others unmercifully, trying to get circumstances in your life to match some unspecified standard. Your energy becomes freer to work in an unencumbered way when you recognize that you aren't really looking to match an objective standard at all. What you want is to find some emotionally and psychologically defendable ground to stand on. The real trick in life for you is to keep moving. This is not easy since you should really only move ahead on a project after forethought or planning; your judgements tend to be colored by your fears or your momentary desires. You work very hard for what comes to you. This is unavoidable. But, you could end up working very hard for no gain. This is avoidable through balancing your drives with your responsibilities. You find that you have better health and much freer energy if you get vigorous physical exercise at least three times a week. MARS SESQUIQUADRATE YOUR SATURN The reaching out for life experience gives you a mixed picture of pluses and minuses, of stops and starts. It is exceedingly difficult to establish necessary limits because it seems to you that the boundaries keep changing. Success is built by first recognizing that the fear driven parts of your personality create obstacles. Removing fear and focusing your attention brings results. MARS IS IN HARD ASPECT TO YOUR URANUS You have quite a temper and your anger will be a stumbling block in life until you have handled it. You hate being trapped and act quite selfishly when cornered. This is overcome when you corral your emotional energy and find some peace of mind. Three things aid in this process. One, you need physical exercise every day in order to feel emotionally balanced and in good health. This is a release for your nervous energy. Two, you need to come to terms with the nature of your desires. Study your own nature to see what motivates you. This allows you to not blame others for your emotions or the situations you have gotten into. Three, develop a long range view of change that symbolizes freedom to you. You are a powerful innovator and just need to re-channel your energy so that you don't have to create and experience so much disharmony. MARS SQUARE YOUR URANUS Angry, feisty, and combative, you make your way in life through spontaneously striking out at obstacles. You anger others who could help you. It isn't that others just misjudge your actions (which they do) but, people perceive an inherently selfish side of the way you make choices. Learn to control your emotions and thereby your energy. SECTION VII. JUPITER - Your Values. Jupiter is the king of the planets. He is in charge of the order of creation. Jupiter shows your values, where you feel confident and in control, and where you feel you have something to teach others. The sign placement of Jupiter shows your values in life. The house placement of Jupiter shows the area of life you feel luckiest in and the area you receive the most help from other people and from the cosmos. The aspect patterns to Jupiter show the direct network of good and administrative power in your life. JUPITER IN SCORPIO Your values run deep and are emotionally charged. Deductive and fond of mystery, you have enthusiasm for the side of life others might as soon forget or ignore. Sex, death, and life's ultimate principles color the way you approach choices. Preferring the intense, the decisive, you do your best to avoid compromises and the normal common place ways of being. You thrive on intensity. Your reasoning is subtle and you attribute motives to others that are really components of your own makeup. You have a tendency to "short circuit" your emotions. This causes great intensity of pleasure, pain, joy and worry. You feel a great wellspring of knowledge within you for the hidden side of life, where thought and emotion blend. You are psychically connected to society and its needs, as well as the immediate demands of your environment. Because of this you are naturally "in tune" with the needs of a situation, and often find strength to act in a definitive problem solving manner. You actually prefer crises to calm because stressful situations bring out your best. Your passions can be quite strong and at times your emotions run away with you. Still, your great external restraint keeps your behavior from being antisocial. You pierce the veil of illusion in regards to other people; you see them as they are pretty much, being unimpressed by a person's social standing or financial circumstances. You are natural in scientific disciplines like chemistry and biology. You have great devotion for whatever your will is focused on. Jupiter in 4th house Life improves with age. You feel confident in your interactions with family members. You are able to expand outward from your biological family to your community, your country or maybe even the whole universe. You get along with everyone you feel connected with. Jupiter in 4th house Unafflicted You have the wonderful talent of feeling at home with your place in life. Wherever you go you tend to feel that you belong. A wholesome sense of well-being accompanies you because you have implicitly accepted that only good will ultimately come from all that you do. You have an abiding faith in "the big picture". You expect your life to improve and it does. JUPITER IN ASPECT TO THE SUN You have an aspect from Jupiter to the Sun showing a deep connection between your values and your ego. As a consequence of this you have a stronger faith in your beliefs than most people and you are more likely to act on them. You have the potential for being quite an inspiration for others. In Section I. (The Sun - Your Ego Structure) there is more commentary on this trait of yours. JUPITER IN ASPECT TO VENUS You have an aspect of Jupiter to Venus. This indicates that you expect the positive to happen. Your life values easily adjust to your taste, love nature and your sense for the beautiful. This creates some feeling of abundance for you. Your values are in tune with your affection. You may find the information in Section V. (Venus - Your Love Nature) useful in understanding this process. JUPITER IS IN SOFT ASPECT TO YOUR SATURN You have an underlying self-confidence that is based on your belief that life will give you whatever you want if you are willing to work for it. You see the reasonableness in the way that things happen and are willing to invest in yourself. You are very industrious, believing that hard work will bring you progress. You have a taste for material acquisition but are willing to work for what comes to you. JUPITER TRINE YOUR SATURN You see opportunity in ways that enhance your security and places where others only see limitation. A stable foundation in life comes through correct judgement and knowing how to take intelligent risks. You are fortunate because you have an inner guidance that leads to following well established procedures and principles unconsciously. You deal with limits and obligations in ways that help you achieve your goals. JUPITER IS IN HARD ASPECT TO YOUR NEPTUNE You feel lucky and that gets you into trouble. You get overextended and into financial hot water before you know what has happened. Being gullible and naive, you suffer through believing in your own fantasies. Because you are kind and sympathetic, you go out of your way to help others. But here you can suffer through poor judgement as to what will be of real and lasting help. The way out of this confusion is not to be less idealistic or less sympathetic, but instead to be more long-term in your vision. Ask yourself what will be important 10 years from now in your immediate considerations. Taking the long view of yourself and of life is an acid test for moment to moment decisions. JUPITER SEMI-SQUARE YOUR NEPTUNE Misperceptions and over-optimism can throw your judgement off a bit. On the other hand, you're extremely fortunate and many of your projects have positive results even though your reasoning process and understanding are not always "in tune" with your direction. SECTION VIII. SATURN - Your Obligations. The planet Saturn shows where you feel restricted. You feel obligations and fears through Saturn. Because of your feeling connected with Saturn you are either responsible or neglectful. The sign placement of Saturn shows the basic type of energy connected with your obligations. The house placement of Saturn shows an area of life that you feel restricted in and work hard to obtain the things that come to you. The aspects of Saturn show the most direct involvement of other areas of your life with your feelings of responsibility. SATURN IN LEO You are motivated by a fear of just being another person. You defend yourself when attacked with very dramatic and hyperbolic idioms. Avoid overreaction. You are striving to develop genuine heart qualities of warmth, sympathy and understanding. You are somebody, accept it, then don't take yourself so seriously. Develop a sense of humor. Saturn in 11th house Your social life is important to you. Your friends are few but lasting. Everyone else may like you and even use you as a resource, but they are never close. Your aim is high and you are willing to work for what you want. Saturn in 11th house Unafflicted You have a deep and persistent commitment to making the world a better place for others. You link resources with other humanitarian people in practical ways. SATURN IN ASPECT THE SUN You have Saturn in aspect to the Sun showing that you identify deeply with your obligations in life. This aspect of your nature is explored more deeply in Section II. The Sun - Your Ego Structure. SATURN IN ASPECT TO MARS You have Saturn in aspect to Mars showing a desire to build strong foundations in your life. This aspect of your nature is taken up in Section VI. Mars - Your Energy. SATURN IN ASPECT TO JUPITER You have Saturn in aspect to Jupiter showing that you have an interest in procedures and legal structures. This interest is discussed in Section VII. Jupiter - Your Values. SATURN IS IN HARD ASPECT TO YOUR URANUS You learn most lessons in life the hard way, but you do learn. It is common for you to attempt to do something the way you have done it before and find out the old method will not work or doesn't apply. When you try to apply a new method you find you have to be empirical, trying many things before you find what will work. You find life easier if you avoid letting emotional tension build up and if you make it a practice to speak your mind. SATURN SEMI-SQUARE YOUR URANUS Poor judgement and unforeseen interruptions can stop you from fulfilling your obligations. When you are able to adequately address your need for freedom and change, you are able to make more meaningful long range plans and meet your responsibilities more completely SATURN CONJUNCT PLUTO Deep secret fears and hidden anxieties prevent your life from becoming as successful and outgoing as you would like it to be. You have a special temperament for the study of history and anthropology. A study of the past can release you from present fears. Hard work brings recognition and success. SECTION IX. URANUS - Your Search For Freedom. The planet Uranus is beyond the orbit of Saturn and can't be seen without the aid of a telescope. It represents the sky in us, that which transcends the limits of finite life. Uranus raises the vibration of everything it contacts. The sign placement of Uranus shows your broadest striving for freedom. The house placement of Uranus indicates your area of direct unique expression. The aspects to Uranus indicate the way you express your need for higher consciousness. URANUS IN GEMINI You have powerful ideas that may or may not be practical. You are spontaneous and excitable, ready to move with a new idea. You may be unsettled or even annoyed by activity around you. Uranus in 10th house You want to do things your own way. When you master the art of being responsible for what you do, your life becomes truly exciting rather than just bizarre. You belong to the "scheme of the month" club. You love the unconventional and the new. Uranus in 10th house Unafflicted Your original ideas are recognized and bring you success, rapid advancement, and a powerful position of authority. You can be misunderstood unless you take the time to explain what you are doing to others. Your urge for freedom and your vision of what is possible can change the world around you quite considerably. You have some revolutionary ideas that can be understood and assimilated by others if you take the time necessary to bring others along with your projects. URANUS IN ASPECT TO VENUS You have Uranus in aspect to Venus. You look for freedom in your love life. You express your creativity in a unique way. This is explained in the particular in Section V. Venus - Your Love Nature. URANUS IN ASPECT TO MARS You have Mars in aspect to Uranus which means you are attempting to raise the vibration of your desire nature during the course of this life. Exactly how that works out in the day to day world is shown by Section VI. Mars - Your Energy. URANUS IN ASPECT TO SATURN You have Uranus in aspect with your Saturn. This indicates that you are attempting to accommodate the urge for security and the urge for freedom. More detail on this blending is in Section VIII. Saturn -Your Obligations. SECTION X. NEPTUNE - Your Spiritual Aspirations and Ideals. The planet Neptune has an almost perfectly circular orbit. It represents the part of our nature that strives for perfection, that looks to some higher ideal. The planet Neptune rules the ocean and the part of us that is beyond the limits of the shores of personal existence. The culture moves with the cycles of Neptune and it is the primary indicator of your connection to the culture that you live in. The sign of Neptune shows an ideal that you desire to manifest. The house placement of Neptune shows the area of your life that you want to express this ideal in. The aspect patterns of Neptune indicate the most direct connections yet most subtle networking of your personality into the world at large. NEPTUNE IN LIBRA You have a powerful desire to create harmony because you believe that by doing so you reduce the pressure on people and create the circumstances of justice, peace, and understanding. You see humanitarian ideals not just as correct, but aesthetically pleasing. Neptune in 2nd house When you believe that you have plenty of worldly resources, money comes to you steadily. As soon as you worry about money, a problem develops. Have faith and the situation always stays healthy. Things are always confusing in the financial realm for you. Your situation seems to defy logic and understanding. Neptune in 2nd house Unafflicted You profit from complex financial arrangements which involve many people and perhaps government institutions. NEPTUNE IN ASPECT TO THE SUN You have an aspect of Neptune to the Sun showing that you have a gentleness and lofty vision of life. How this works out is shown by Section II. The Sun - Your Ego Structure. NEPTUNE IN ASPECT TO VENUS You have Neptune in aspect to Venus. This indicates that you are very artistic by inclination and idealistic in love. This pattern is described in Section V. Venus - Your Love Nature. NEPTUNE IN ASPECT TO JUPITER You have an aspect of Neptune to Jupiter. This indicates that you have a lofty vision of the possible in life and that you attract good things by this expectation. How this works out for you is shown by Section VII. Jupiter - Your Obligations. NEPTUNE IS IN SOFT ASPECT TO YOUR PLUTO You are fundamentally an idealist. You would like to see change come about in a way that doesn't destroy the existing social order. You believe in transition and transformation as saner and kinder principles of social change than revolutionary upheaval. NEPTUNE SEXTILE YOUR PLUTO Your higher ideals are the continuous recipient of forceful energy for change. Your long range perspective (even though this may at times be unconscious) is always toward your ideals winning out through deep self transformation. SECTION XI. PLUTO - Your Need For Fundamental Change The planet Pluto represents the dark underground part of you. It shows your ability to transform the most fundamental properties in your own inner nature. The sign of Pluto is the way the obsessive, compulsive and committed part of your nature expresses itself. The house placement of Pluto shows the area of life where you make your most fundamental and most potent changes. The aspects to Pluto show the deepest most unconscious links in your personality structure. PLUTO IN LEO At best, you believe in yourself and are willing to stand on your own. You have a need for self expression. At worst, you are completely stuck on yourself, and have a strong desire to bend everyone else to your will. Pluto in 12th house You are driven to really understand life. You have such powerful drives, though, that you will periodically burn out. You are always on the borderline between dark and light. You feel capable of anything good or bad. This infinite expanse at the unconscious level gives you an experience of having a vacuum inside of you. This creates a focused and powerful attraction point for people, experiences, ideas and emotions. This is why so many peculiar things happen to you and why you periodically seem to go numb. Pluto in 12th house Unafflicted You have deep inner strength as your emotions are profoundly linked to the river of life. Your imagination is focused through the creative instinct of the mind. This means that when you think about something long enough, it happens. Make sure you know what you want. PLUTO IN ASPECT TO THE SUN You have an aspect from Pluto to your Sun showing that much of your ego stays submerged and that you have a deep wellspring of inner forces to call upon. This is described in Section II. The Sun - Your Ego Structure. PLUTO IN ASPECT TO THE MOON You have an aspect of Pluto to the Moon. You have a deep connection to your mother. The nurturing side of your personality is being transformed during this life. The details of this are indicated in Section III. The Moon - Your Personal Life. PLUTO IN ASPECT TO SATURN You have an aspect of Pluto to Saturn. This shows that you are very impressed with things in the past. The working out of this impression is taken up in Section VIII. Saturn - Your Obligations. PLUTO IN ASPECT TO NEPTUNE You have an aspect of Pluto to Neptune which shows your involvement in a large cultural process. This involvement is described in Section X. Neptune - Your Spiritual Aspirations and Ideals. SECTION XII. SUMMATION A. YOUR UNIQUENESS Part of your style of being a person is tied to your personal method of adapting to and interacting with other people. This aspect of your personality shows itself through every aspect of how you deal with the environment. This method of your being encourages as well as reveals your uniqueness. YOUR MAJOR PLANETARY ASPECT IS A SQUARE. You have lots of energy and you need it. Your life changes through the resolving of conflicts. You are a fighter and you get clarity by drawing lines between the perceived good and bad of the moment. Your inclination is to be action oriented first, and reason things out after the battle. Your hunches are based on the odds. You take an empirical approach to problem solving. Your keyword is Energy. B. YOUR EASIEST AREAS. The following material is an index of things that you have developed as inner resources. You may take them for granted, but in times of reevaluation and rest this part of your personality can provide you comfort and strength. Well-Aspected Mercury. You have good mental habits that aid you in seeing solutions to difficulties as they emerge. You are good at locating alternatives when your forward progress is stopped. Sun in Aries. The sheer power of your personality is a great aid to you and all your projects. You are action personified and you get stronger through motion. Your pioneering spirit gives you self-definition and awareness. These qualities give substance to your ego structure. Moon in Taurus.You have an inner strength that is rooted in uncommonly deep self-acceptance and self-satisfaction. You have very consistent habits that help you. Jupiter in the Fourth House. Your life improves with age and your optimistic expectations help you always to see the best in what happens. Good things can come to you because you believe enough in life to be open to the possibility of the positive coming to you. Saturn in the Eleventh House. You can always take security in a few deep friendships that aid you in decision-making in life. You know how to be selective in getting involved with others and you benefit greatly from other people's experiences. Pluto in the Twelfth House. You have deep intuitions that point the way to fundamental change. Something deep within keeps prompting you to transform some aspect of your nature. At this level of self analysis, faith, patience and drive blend together in a way that insures steady progress. Because of this, you are able to go through intricate transitions with ease. C. YOUR MOST PERSISTENT DIFFICULTIES. This material describes the "cutting edge" of your work on yourself. The thoughts rendered here are meant as further guidelines for growth. You should take difficulties and challenges in the right spirit. They are always positive indicators as to how you can experience the joy of becoming a better person and more like your REAL SELF. Mercury in Pisces You are a dreamer and suffer because your perceptions are so subjective. You think with your feelings. This attribute is wonderful if you are content to live your life without analytic skills. If you wish to study subjects that require focus on detail then you will need practice at separating facts from feelings and preferences. When this is accomplished, your natural brilliance for large scale thinking emerges. You have a gentle mind. Venus in the Sixth House You are good at resolving difficulties in love relationships by examining the details in the other person's life. It is difficult for you to change the quality of your own self expression in relationships. This is what is required though, if anything fundamental is to change. Mars in the Seventh House You have difficulty with relationships because you become too "bossy". Be less concerned with what others do and practice being more of a self-starter. Be aware of how you affect others and your energy will function better. Saturn in Leo Self-doubt and fear of others propels you into self-defeating forms of personal defense. This form of protectionism makes it hard for others to see your better side. By becoming more loving and more open, your dramatic inclinations help you build bridges rather than barriers between you and others. D. THE GROWTH ASPECTS The Growth aspects operate differently than other aspects in your chart. While it is possible to use them descriptively, as showing finer shades of meaning within the chart, we wish to use them in a different manner for our purposes. The growth aspects are tools of self development. If you apply attention to the various qualities in your nature linked through the growth aspects, you will see positive change over time. These qualities generally do not show quick effortless solutions, but instead show a path of change requiring exertion and emotional honesty. Under these circumstances, the way these aspects of your nature change through time are truly amazing. The qualities mentioned here can be the very mechanisms to release the highest, finest side of your nature. Moon in Growth Aspect to Neptune You have an overly sensitive response mechanism to life which you periodically express and occasionally cover over. Facing the inconsistent emotional components of your imagination allows you to gradually corral this side of your nature into your daily habits in a useful and enriching way. Moon Quincunx Neptune Romantic and idealistic, you easily project qualities onto situations and people that they can't possibly live up to. The root of this problem is really inaccurate self appraisal. You expect more from yourself than is realistic, then react to your shortcomings with guilt driven service to others and deep expression of overly sympathetic feelings. In the long run you have many opportunities through this aspect of your nature to refine and express your higher vision of the truth to others. Through this expression your daily life becomes a clearer picture of your true inner being. Mercury in Growth Aspect to Neptune Your imagination, ideas and visions may differ significantly from what is happening in the world around you. It may require patience on your part with society as others seem to fall short of your ideals. Balance is required for you to stay aware of some higher principle in your own thought process. Without appropriate balance you end up treating your own higher ideals as if they were just confusion and in the way of your communication and personal accomplishments. Mercury Quincunx Neptune Lots of time and effort can be wasted when you plan on things that are way out of reach. Your imagination and ideals serve you well when you are careful to keep the sequence of essential happenings in mind and accept your own idiosyncrasies. Be careful you don't promise more to others than you can deliver. Self-honesty is not easy but it is essential in order to develop. Mercury in Growth Aspect to Pluto Stops, starts and compulsions intervene in your mental life periodically without you feeling particularly connected to the process. Learning to integrate the unconscious urges that end up having some legislative capacity in your decisions requires some long term adjustments and deeper levels of self exploration than you normally embark on. Mercury Quincunx Pluto The compulsive side of your nature may lead you into being way out of control. Your judgment on circumstances (as well as yourself and others) can be so severe that you aren't able to make intelligent and consistent progress in life. Strive to be more trusting and less strict with yourself and your life is easier. E. THE DECLINATIONS There is another dimension to your astrology chart. This has to do with planets being the same distance from the celestial equator. When both planets are on the same side of this plane there are called parallel. When the planets are the same distance but on opposite sides of the celestial equator they are referred to as being contra-parallel. Both of these aspect activate your ability to organize and reorganize some aspect of your life. Saturn Parallel North Node of the Moon Your naturally conservative instincts are at the back of everything that you do that pulls you forward in life. Slow and cautious is the best style for almost every project during the development stage of your work. You are best when you are honoring the way that things have been in the past. This keeps you grounded in the intensely practical. Sun Contra-Parallel Neptune You have a deep sense for the dimension of life that is beyond reason, inspection, or rational judgement. The mystical side of your nature can lead to believing in people when they don't merit it. Your misunderstanding of others can be complicated by your need to retreat or escape from uncomfortable situations. You are at your best when idealism and faith are balanced by positive action toward building something that you believe in. Moon Contra-Parallel Venus You have great ability to make peace as your instinctive nature is one that naturally seeks out the common ground between people. Popularity comes to you through your basic charm. There is a latent talent for creating beauty which needs only to be activated. Jupiter Contra-Parallel Midheaven You have a natural instinct for getting ahead in life by relying on the help that comes to you. There is a natural wholesomeness at the core of your being that directs you. Having a positive vision of the world and an optimistic picture of what you can do is part of your nature. F. YOUR KARMIC DIRECTION The Moon's North Node is an all encompassing and instructive point of synthesis in the chart; we could easily start or end our analysis with this one single factor. Because this indicator is so all inclusive it most shows your karmic direction in life. The sign placement of your North node points to your destiny. When your actions, interests, and values are structured by this position, your general sense of personal well being improves. The house placement of the North Node of the Moon indicates or points to an area of life, an arena of experience. By confronting, even augmenting this arena you can inadvertently improve every aspect of your life. By dealing with issues connected to the North Node placement in your chart your general character strengthens and refines. North Node of the Moon in Gemini Your life experience betters through acquiring new information while being able to let go of past judgments. Your sense for what is right and proper can stop you from being able to honestly appraise the situations around you. Poor judgement can come from prejudicial thinking and being too attached to the appearance of things. An addiction to "higher principle" can give you an excuse for being ineffectual in your daily life and unnecessarily separate you from others. Let go of "mental ruts" and false pride so you can learn. North Node of the Moon in Gemini and in the Tenth House You easily take on responsibility for others while having difficulty forming forward momentum in outer world projects. Advancing your standing in the workplace requires time, energy and judgment. All are in short supply. As you open to others emotionally, which is good, your life becomes cluttered, which is bad. You may need to go through a period of self-involvement and complete detachment from family and home in order to create a new and freer set of patterns in your life. TABLE OF DEFINITIONS These are some basic astrological definitions. Reading through this material can enhance your understanding of your INDRA report. You may want to take up a more serious study of these symbols as a preliminary step to a study of all of life through astrology. THE PLANETS The Sun and the Moon - Basic central core of the personality. These two bodies represent how we make decisions, how we act, and what we value. Mercury, Venus,and Mars - The personal planets. These planets indicate our everyday concerns, our interaction with others, and our immediate environment. Jupiter and Saturn - The planets of the culture. These planets represent our ability to interact with our society and its laws and values. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto - The planets of our higher evolution. These planets show our ability to focus on issues that transcend our immediate life and culture. THE SIGNS Fire Signs - Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius Cardinal Signs - Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn THE HOUSES TABLE OF DEFINITIONS - continued. THE ASPECTS ***Basic classification of aspects*** Hard or difficult aspects. - Semi-square, Square, Sesquiquadrate, and Opposition. These are the aspects that help us recognize the ingredients in our personality that need changing. Easy or soft aspects. - Trines and Sextiles. These are the aspects that express our talents and skills. Growth aspects. - Semi-sextiles and quincunx. These are aspects that give us opportunity to grow. They indicate long term development of some key aspect of your personality and behavior for this life time. Power aspects. - Conjunctions, Parallels, and Contra-parallels. These are the aspects that show energy, force, reorganization and transformational ability. ***Circumstances of the planets by aspect*** Afflicted - A planet is called afflicted when it has only hard (difficult) aspects. These planets represent our greatest challenges and our more promising areas of growth. Unafflicted - A planet is unafflicted when it is not limited to only hard aspects. This can mean that the planet has no aspects, has only easy aspects, or has both hard and soft aspects. Well Aspected - A planet is called well aspected when it has no hard aspects. This shows ease of expression and a certain ability to bring the ingredients symbolized forward into life with little or no conflict. ***Special points in your chart*** Ascendant - This is the same as the cusp of the first house. The Ascendant refers to your physical body and how you meet the world, how you present yourself. Midheaven - This is the same as the cusp of your tenth house. The Midheaven refers to how we rise and fall in life, our social position and our orientation to our family, culture and history. Moon's North Node. - Our direction in life. How we form relationship bonds with the environment as well as people. Vertex - A point in our chart were we tend to feel out of control. It is a place where we easily give ourselves over to something beyond the scope of our own life. East Point - A place of idealism and perfection in your chart. It functions as another way of contacting people. Part of Fortune. - A point where we put many parts of our motivation together in a personal way. It shows personal joy and fulfillment. *** THE PLANETARY POSITIONS IN YOUR CHART**** SUN position is 4 deg. 08 min. of Aries *** HERE ARE YOUR HOUSE CUSP POSITIONS *** 1ST HOUSE CUSP position is 29 deg. 43 min. of Leo |