changes have been happening in the world economy
and it is important for us to remain centered,
as individuals, so that we can maintain a positive
perspective about these changes and manifest prosperity
in our own lives. Philosophically, the rich will often be reminded
that they cannot take their wealth with them and
that they may as well save their souls by sharing
with those in need. How,
then, can you tune in to what your own mission
is in this world? How can you discover your own
potential and achieve it in such a way as to be in
harmony with the global trends? The best tool which
I have created for this is my Prosperity
Report computer
software, which is sold by Cosmic
It is based on your unique date, time and place of
birth so that it tells what planetary influences
are most relevant to you and your personal mission,
as an individual. It is especially valuable in keeping
you centered during these times of high macro-economic
activity, so that you are always in tune with what
your own, unique path is. C. Individual and World Chakras and Prosperity The chakra most directly concerned with your prosperity
is your Brow Chakra, ruled by Jupiter, which has
to do wth positive thinking and faith. Of course,
all of your chakras are involved too, including your
Root Chakra, which rules actual, physical manifestation.
If your energy is flowing properly within your aura,
you will manifest prosperity while carrying out that
which you would most like to be doing anyway, whether
you made money at it or not. Again, I can assist
you with a reading of your current transits, in light
of your natal chakra indicators; contact me at Here
are the locations of the seven main Earth Chakras: According to the meanings of the chakras
on the individual level, the main corresponding
for prosperity for our planet as a whole
is the Brow Chakra, at Kuh-e Malek Siah,
Iran. Little
has been known about this area to the
outside world in the past, but this is soon likely
to change.
In 2011, there has been an awakening
the world Throat Chakra in the Middle
East, with large numbers
of people voicing their right to be heard
and the inception of democracy. As the
energy of the planet
rises to new level - as a result of the
efforts of those who are praying and
meditating for the
good of the planet - the planetary energy
should rise next to the Brow Chakra.
This will mark a
new level of faith, new insights into
the spiritual meaning of prosperity, and the
discovery that this
prosperity can be brought about through
a collective belief that it can. You
can read more about Zahedan on the Wikipedia website.
There is great deal of information about
world chakras at,
even though this website does not yet recognize the
specific location
of the world's Brow Chakra as Kuh-e Malek Siah, perhaps
because of political reasons at the time it was written
- that is, before the recent awakening of the world's
Throat Chakra. However, the website does
clearly list Kuh-e Malek Siah, Iran as being the
location of the sixth chakra, and it gives other
useful information as well. D. Purification of the World Economy Besides modern astrology, what other indicators
are there that we are at the dawning of a new order?
For one, the ancient Mayan calendar ends in the year
2012, because they believed from long ago that this
was the special year when the great awakening would
occur. The Mayans were well aware of astrology; in
fact, it is believed that their pyramids were connected
with the Egyptian ones, before Atlantis sank, and
the Egyptians, of course, were very advanced in astrological
knowledge. The
metaphysical meaning of the Grand Cross is explained
by Mary
Baker Eddy on pp. 575-6 of her book "Science
and Health with Key to Scriptures”; this
book can be obtained at any Christian Science Reading
Room: Northward it refers to the North Star or
Word; eastward to the star seen by the Wisemen
of the Orient (three astrologers who were sages)
followed it to the manger of Jesus; southward to
the Southern Cross constellation or the Cross of
Calvary, and westward to the grand realization
of the Golden Shore of Love and the Peaceful Sea
Harmony. |
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